The Darkness Binds Page 13
He locked the cell and scampered off down the hallway. He ran quietly down several flights of stairs until he reached the bottom floor. Nobody was guarding the exits. He opened the door to a courtyard. Another guard was posted on the other side looking quite bored. Darrin straightened his armor and walked toward the soldier.
The guard saw him and said, "Where is Jaren?"
"He is watching the prisoner. Where is the prison hospital?" he said.
"The prison hospital is behind me toward the left. There should be some signs to direct you," the guard said.
"Thank you."
He walked past the guard into another long corridor. A large sign said, Prison Hospital, in bold white letters. Another group of soldiers came toward his direction. He gripped his sword but released it when the group moved down another walkway.
"Wait you," a voice said from behind him.
Darrin turned. "Yes."
"I am turning in for the night. This place is boring. Tell Jaren that I went to bed," the guard said.
"No, problem," he said.
He approached the hospital and walked inside. A nurse was busily walking through different rooms. She saw him and said, "Hello, do you need help?"
"Yes, my captain wanted an update on the sick prisoner," Darrin said.
"Right this way," the nurse said.
She led him upstairs to a brightly lit corridor with another guard sitting on a stool. The guard looked at Darrin and said, "Are you my replacement?"
"You’re late," the guard snapped.
The guard grumbled and stalked away. The nurse went to the room and peered through the bars.
"How are you feeling?" the nurse said to Charles.
His eyes got wide when he saw Darrin standing behind her.
"I am fine," Charles said.
"Good, you still need more rest," the nurse said. She winked at Darrin and walked away. Darrin waited a few minutes and fumbled to get the keys. He unlocked the cell door.
"Charles, we are getting out of here," he said.
Charles nodded. "How are we going to do that. There must be a thousand soldiers in the city?"
"I am not sure. Just follow me."
They walked through the hallway and peered out. The nurse was not in their sights. They went toward the stairs. They sneaked along the corridors. The hospital was silent except the creaky boards of the wooden floors. They departed the building. It was very dark in the courtyard. Darrin scanned the area and didn’t see any guards milling about. They went along the walls hiding in the shadows. Darrin stopped a few times. He saw the exit. A few guards played cards near the door. Darrin stopped Charles.
"Wait here," Darrin said.
Darrin walked up to the four guards.
One guard said, "Do you want to join us?"
Darrin walked up to the closest guard and slammed the guards head with a swift punch. The guard crumpled. The other soldiers stood up. Darrin kicked the stomach of the man on his right. The guard on his left started to grope for the alarm bell. Darrin kicked the table sending it slamming into the guard’s legs pushing him against the wall. The other guard raced toward him. He stepped back and the soldier’s weapon missed him by inches. He kicked the guards arm and moved behind him, knocking the guard unconscious with a swift elbow.
"Charles, put on their armor," Darrin said.
After a few minutes, Charles hastily changed. They moved in the shadows as much as they could. There were only a few people moving about on the streets. Nobody came up to them. They journeyed a few blocks, when they heard the sound of the alarm ringing from the prison.
"If we get through the front gate," Darrin said, "we can hide in the woodland."
A soldier ran up to them and said, "Is the royal army attacking?"
Darrin said, "I am not sure. Go to your post. Where is the main gate?"
The guard said while pointing, "A few blocks down that street."
Darrin and Charles rushed toward the entrance. They saw guards running back and forth. Darrin spotted the wooden post and metal of the city’s front gate at the next path. Darrin wondered how they were going to exit without being seen. He saw something peculiar. The guards at the front gates were not scrambling like the other soldiers but stood waiting with their weapons held and the middle of these guards was the Elven Prince.
"Hello Darrin, I knew you would escape. But, you cannot leave," Prince Grendal said.
"Are you going to stand aside? I do not want to fight you."
"You have faith in this revolution. Why would you leave?" Prince Grendal said.
"Because, I believe a man cannot be pronounced guilty without knowing his crimes."
"Yes, I understand," Prince Grendal said.
"So stand down. We are innocent," he said.
"I cannot let you leave," Prince Grendal said softly.
"I do not wish to fight you."
"You need to surrender," Prince Grendal said, "You are surrounded. My bowmen are all over walls. You will never leave alive."
"We shall see," he said while taking out his long sword.
The soldiers moved away and circled them. Grendal placed his sword between Charles and himself. Blades flashed and Darrin repelled Grendal’s sword. Darrin responded and sent some well-timed strikes.
"There is no escape," Prince Grendal said.
Grendal attacked. Darrin blocked each killing stroke. Darrin’s counter attacked pushed Grendal back toward the wall.
"You are better than my dad has told me," Prince Grendal said.
"How very kind of you."
Grendal attacked him savagely stabbing and thrusting. He tried to kick Darrin at the knees. Darrin realized this tactic and jumped upwards while kicking Grendal’s head. Grendal fell and struck back. Darrin leaped away. Darrin countered by thrusting at Grendal’s flank.
"Good," Grendal said by moving away from Darrin’s thrust.
"You are so flattering."
"Nobody had ever defeated me except one person," Grendal said.
"Who is that?"
"My father," Grendal said.
Darrin attacked Grendal, gaining more ground toward the main gate. Charles followed from behind. Grendal swiftly moved away from Darrin trying to anticipate his next move. Darrin faked a frontal attack and kicked Grendal in the stomach.
"Sorry, I also defeated your father," Darrin said.
Grendal fell down stunned. Darrin ran toward the gate’s walls. Charles was close behind. A few guards tried to stop him, and Darrin flung them aside. A flurry of arrows shot in front of them as a warning. Darrin and Charles stopped.
"Stop!" Marion said.
Darrin turned toward her. The guards placed their weapons lower. She was unarmed and walked toward him.
She said, "I was wrong earlier. I was so mad at you for what happened to my family that I didn’t see the truth. I am truly sorry."
Darrin placed his weapon down.
Marion said, "We need you. The revolution needs you."
Marion knelt before Darrin and everybody knelt.
She said, "We would be honored if you will be our commander."
Darrin was shocked but realized what she was asking and said, "I accept. Please everybody stand up. We have a lot of work to do."
Cyrus stood amongst the glowing moss. They had been in the sewer for several months now and they still hadn’t found anything useful in the books they acquired. Cyrus wondered if they were just imagining things. They should leave and look for the Forbidden City. He could not do anything been stuck down here. He thought he might solve the murders by learning about his new powers. Dark magic was the key.
Sometimes, when he was alone, Cyrus would hear the voices again muttering words such as "destruction" and "kill." He always silenced these voices but somehow they came back. Was he going crazy? The stories he read about the Drakus Vinnikai made him shudder. These mages be
came insane with power. Their downfall was the use of the dark arts. It was just too strong for them to use and control. These Drakus Vinnikai created a council to govern the mages on controlling the mystical forces they unleashed. However, his dad, Vondra Merilus, murdered everybody. He would not go down that same road. He needed to understand what was happening to him before it was too late.
Meza found Cyrus as usual. He noticed Meza had been extra cautious around him. Cyrus knew his magic was more powerful than his was. He could destroy him if he wanted to. He was astonished he thought that. He wanted to abolish these thoughts but he couldn’t. Meza looked at him, as if he was a wild beast.
Cyrus said, "Meza, I think we need to leave. We have over stayed our welcome here."
"Yes you are right. Have you felt the magical field surrounding the city? It feels like it is waning."
"To conjure this magical field is dangerous and very taxing," Meza said. "I think we should make plans to escape."
"Thank the gods. I hate it here."
"I have some news from the surface about the princess," Meza said.
"She must be married by now," he said.
"No, the princess is missing," Meza said.
Cyrus curled his hands into fists. Magical electricity appeared around his fingers.
"Calm down. I already have agents looking for her," Meza said.
"We need to find her!"
"Cyrus I think it would be dangerous for you to look for her. We need to escape first and learn to control your magic," Meza said.
"What? No," Cyrus said. His magic ceased.
"Your magic is untested," Meza said.
"So," Cyrus blurted.
"Your powers can destroy you."
"No, I know I can control my magic," he said.
"Do not lie to me," Meza said. "I have seen you struggle. The Drakus mages thought they could master and control their powers and looked what happened to them. They all died. They thought they could become gods and challenge them."
"What are trying to tell me," he said.
Meza sighed and said, "The Protriat wars were about ultimate power. The Drakus Vinnikai mages battled for supremacy and almost destroyed the world. There are evil places where Drakus mages once battled, plants never grow, and people shy away from."
"Are you saying my powers can destroy the world?"
"If people knew you had these powers, they would kill you or try to take it from you," Meza said.
"I can protect myself."
"You are still a mortal person. You can be killed just like anybody else. But your powers are beyond the strongest Archmages," Meza paused and said, "I have been trying to puzzle out where your source of magic comes from. Most mages conjure their magic from the natural elements of the world. But your magic is more pure, more elemental."
"I don’t understand," he said.
"I also do not understand," Meza said.
"So, if I can control these powers, I can find the princess?"
"Yes, but you have to be careful," Meza said.
"By Thoran’s ghost, what do I do?"
"For one, we need to get out of the capital and find the Forbidden City," Meza said.
"All right, I agree my magic is dangerous. I will learn how to control it," he said. "Also, I think everything is connected somehow."
"I think so, too. The murders, the Drakus magic and the emperor," Meza said, "Maybe there is something at the Forbidden City to help us."
"Yes, but where is it located?" he asked.
"It was supposed to be located in the west along the Ridges of the World," Meza said.
He said, "The summer solstice is coming in a month. We need to be prepared and stock up on items."
His Familiar swirled around him. He tried to swat it away. The Familiar glowed a bright red and disappeared.
"You should name your Familiar," Meza said.
"I know," he said. "Is this thing like a friend?"
"Yes, in the old days, the Familiars were constant companions to their masters," Meza said.
The next few days Meza prepared their supplies. They got two long riding cloaks with cowls, rations, tents and extra clothes. Cyrus wondered where they got all their stuff.
Meza said, "The Merlocks got these for us."
Cyrus knew they are entirely in debt to these people. When they were ready, they trekked to the area, which led outside. They both stared at the end of this tunnel at length trying to see what was beyond the grassy hills. Cyrus wanted to plunge through. He secretly wanted to confront the Clandestines and defeat them.
He said, "I want to ask you a personal question."
Meza nodded.
Cyrus said, "I found a patch with the snake insignia on it."
"I was recruited after Master Darthel died. It was a new elite force of soldiers and mages. I was assigned to help find the murderers of the King and Queen," Meza said while looking into the darkness.
Meza paused and said, "I thought we were supposed to conduct a murder investigation, but I was wrong. We interrogated and jailed people who had nothing to do with the Royal murders. They were jailed for treason."
Meza seemed to shrink and become a different person.
"I didn’t realize it at first but these people were innocent. Their only crime was voicing their discontent about the emperor’s laws," Meza said.
"You finally stopped?" Cyrus said.
"I had to arrest a close friend. And that was the last time I ever saw him alive," Meza said, "I told my superiors it was a mistake to arrest him. They laughed. The next day he was hanged in front of the royal castle. I left that very day."
"Then you joined the revolution?"
"I will let my commander tell you that story when you meet him," Meza said.
Cyrus fidgeted with his cloak.
"Are you ready?" Meza said.
"Something is odd," Cyrus said.
"We will make it out," Meza said.
Cyrus’s Familiar floated in front. The slippery sides of the sewer were covered with moss and other undesirable items.
"Meza, what if we are wrong?"
"I don’t think so. We both can feel the magical barrier weakening," Meza said.
Meza walked ahead. Cyrus followed feeling something was different. They had been to this area several times, and they planned what they were going to do. He saw the barrier. It was less cohesive and blurry at the edges.
"Meza, I will go first."
Cyrus edged himself toward the field. He slipped off his supplies and placed them on the ground. He pushed his staff through the hole through the barrier at the bottom. He held his breath as the staff passed to the other side. He wiped his brow. He turned toward Meza and nodded. He pushed his pack next, and then he crawled on his belly through the muck of the sewers. He felt an odd sensation. He stood up. Meza came next.
"Wait. Move toward your right," Cyrus said.
Meza crawled his way through. Cyrus grabbed and pulled him up.
"How did we do?" Meza said.
"We didn’t touch the barrier," Cyrus said.
Both of their clothes were soaked with sewer water. They walked toward the exit. It was dark. Cyrus wanted to jump through, but Meza restrained him.
Meza said, "Your Familiar’s light will be a beacon for the royal soldiers."
Cyrus concentrated and his Familiar disappeared. He could see the stars in a moonlit sky. Meza walked out first and he turned to Cyrus and motioned for him to wait.
Meza said, "I need to scout ahead."
Cyrus shook his head.
"All right, you are stubborn. Follow close behind me," Meza said.
Meza looked around. Cyrus sensed something. He thought somebody was watching them in the darkness of the bushes. They moved further up to a gently slope. Before they reached the top, they saw three figures waiting for them. It was the Clandestines. Cyrus was ready.
The princess was asleep dreaming of better tim
es. She was with her parents again, alive and well. She ran up to her dad and embraced him. Narah tried to tell him about the treachery, which would befall them. Something stopped her. It was as if an invisible arm held her like a vice. She couldn’t move or say anything. A splash of cold water washed over her. She awoke abruptly.
"Awake you," the guard said. "We arrived at your new home."
Narah brushed the water from her mask and looked at the prison. The walls were dirty with dust and filth. Tall spikes jutted out of the walls like long lances. The prison carts rolled into the main entrance. The door wailed like screaming wolves as it opened on its rusted hinges. Her wagon proceeded inside. The caravan stopped. The sound of the main door closing was deafening to her ears.
"Get out," a guard said while pointing a sword at her.
They took off the chains holding the door. She stepped out. A few guards came next to her, pointing their spears at her. A guard placed manacles around her arms.
"Follow me," another guard said. "You are not allowed to talk to other prisoners, emperor’s orders."
A group of soldiers flanked her. She looked behind her and saw the other prisoners being ushered toward another building. The princess tried to regain some confidence, but she felt that she was going to her death. The contingent of soldiers took her through a series of streets into a high structure. It was composed of a series of jail cells. Most of them were occupied with women who saw her and stared. The guards ushered her up a flight of stairs to another identical series of cells except nobody occupied them. They walked until they found the furthermost lockup at the end of the corridor.
"This is your new home," a guard said.
They unshackled her hands and pushed her roughly inside. Narah stumbled. She heard the jail door closing.
The guard said through the bars, "The warden will be here later to welcome you."
The soldiers left her alone. A small window was the only view she had of the outside. The princess looked through the opening and observed the view of the mines. She saw men dressed in filthy rags carrying pick axes and helmets entering a yawning cave. She shuddered. She did not want to imagine what horrors these men faced in the gloom of the cavern. She looked away and sat on the straw bed.