The Darkness Binds Read online

Page 14

  A guard said, "The warden is here."

  The princess turned and saw a small man with black and white hair.

  The warden said to the guard, "Leave me."

  After the guards left, the warden said, "My name is Claude Vernon. I am the warden. I and I alone know who you are. You will stay in your own cell. You will not mingle with the other prisoners. I hope you will like it here." He turned away.

  "Wait. Do you know why the emperor sent me here?" she said.

  "No, I am just a simple soldier. I do as I am told," he said.

  "What if I told you the emperor is wrong."

  "That is no consequence to me," the warden said and walked away.

  A prisoner came to her cell. She was carrying a wooden tray filled with food. The girl looked at the floor. The princess looked for any guards and said, "What is your name?"

  "Lorraine," she said.

  "Hurry," a guard said from down the hallway.

  Lorraine slid the food through the opening at the bottom of the cell. She scurried away. The princess stared at the plate of food. She eagerly tried to eat it. However, she spat out the food. She saw bits of rat-tails mixed into the sauce.

  "Yuck!" she said.

  A loud bell rang. Narah saw the prisoners crawl out of the mine. The men were all covered in black soot and dirt. The guards ushered them to long rows of wooden tables. She stretched to see more. The prisoners grabbed small bowls and stood in line. A man stood by a large pot and gave each prisoner a tiny portion of food with his spoon. She picked up her food and ate. She didn’t eat the rat-tails.

  The sun was low on the horizon. She looked through her window and observed men and guards running out of the mine. People yelled, "A cave-in!" The warden came out with a large group of guards. She heard prisoners imploring the warden to help them save the others in the mine.

  The warden's voice was loud. He said, "No, we will stop for today."

  The statement almost started a riot. The guards took out their weapons and quelled the ruckus. Many of the prisoners were hurt. They lay there. Nobody helped them.


  The Clandestines stood a few feet away. The city’s walls loomed casting shadows on the hill. Meza prepared a defensive spell. Cyrus stood relaxed looking at the scene with indifference.

  Meza said, "How did you find us?"

  "It was easy," a Clandestine said. "We pretended our magical field was weakening in one spot. We just had to wait for you to leave your rabbit hole."

  Cyrus said, "Why do you want to kill me?"

  "You are evil. You are the one written in the prophecies sent to destroy us," the mage said.

  "I am not evil. You can leave me alone."

  "We cannot let you leave," the mage said.

  "So be it," Cyrus said.

  A mist appeared out of nowhere and enveloped them. Meza couldn’t see a few feet ahead of him. Cyrus invoked a word of magic, and a tornado blew and scattered the mist. Meza was surprised. Cyrus seemed to have control of his magic. The Clandestine disappeared. Meza looked around for them. A thunderbolt hurtled toward Cyrus. He deflected the spell with ease. Meza shot out acid in all directions. He heard a scream. Meza smiled.

  "Show yourself!" Cyrus said.

  Fire rained from the sky. Cyrus held his hand upwards and protective them with a magical barrier. The fire bounced off the shield burning grass and dirt. The acrid smell was nauseating. Meza was getting hot. He called upon a magical null spell, and the fire stopped.

  Cyrus looked at him and said, "What should we do?"

  "Watch out," he said.

  Another burst of fire exploded. Meza shot a barrier spell and split the fire in two. It bounced harmlessly away. The fire struck some trees, and spread through the trees. Meza heard guards shouting, alarmed at the fire. They needed to stop the Clandestines now. The fire grew and spread. Smoke started filling their nostrils. As they ran, another lightning bolt shattered into their midst. Cyrus expertly deflected the blast. Meza was astonished how Cyrus was becoming an expert in his use of magic. They ran toward another clearing far away from the raging inferno. The Clandestines appeared and shot a wicked blast of wind knocking him away from Cyrus. Meza floundered and hit a tree trunk. He was helpless watching the Clandestine surround Cyrus. Meza's magic was almost done. He had some magic reserves, but he needed some time to summon them.

  The wind stopped and Meza fell to the ground. He was about to shoot a spell when a large shape appeared. The creature had horns and stared at him with red eyes. It was a demon summoned from the netherworld by the Clandestines. The monster screamed a blood-curdling cry and launched itself at him. Meza held up a magical shield. The demon broke through Meza’s barrier and clawed at him. Meza felt searing pain in his ribs. Meza dove toward his right. He shot a blast of piercing ice. The demon howled in fury and turned away. Meza glanced toward Cyrus. The Clandestines pounded him with spells. Cyrus held his own repelling the magic. But it was a matter of time before one of the arcane missiles would kill him.

  Meza ran toward Cyrus. The demon was upon him again. Meza ducked as the demon tried to skewer him with his claws. His ribs ached. He didn’t let the pain distract him. The demon roared behind him. Meza ran toward the dark mages and ducked below a Clandestine’s legs. The demon hit one of the Clandestine squarely on their chest taking most of the torso with him. Blood sprayed into the air. Meza shoved the dying Clandestine’s torso aside. He threw a wave of water, and it pushed the demon toward the trees. The demon didn’t disappear. The Clandestine who summon the demon was still alive. Meza turned toward Cyrus but a wave of intense magic pushed him to the underbrush. A large fissure opened underneath Cyrus. Magic poured forth through his eyes. Cyrus’s Familiar appeared and grew. The Clandestines were still trying to attack Cyrus but his Familiar shielded him from injury. Meza heard the demon running in a fast gait toward him. Meza didn’t have enough strength to fight.

  "Stop," Cyrus said while holding both his hands up.

  All time stopped. The demon was standing in mid-air ready to strike. The Clandestines’ magic hovered.

  Cyrus said, "If you do not stop, I will have to kill you."

  Time began again. The Clandestines, unfazed, continued their spells. The demon was getting closer to him. He couldn’t dodge the beast. His chest was burning with demon fire. A bright azure light bathed everything around him. It seared through the demon destroying it. The Clandestines shielded their eyes. The light sprouted from Cyrus and the Familiar. Meza felt intense pain. He closed his eyes but the light shone through his eyelids. The ground started to rumble. Air exploded outward.

  Meza yelled, "Cyrus!"

  Cyrus couldn’t hear him. He was lost in his magic. Meza yelped with pain as he was flung backwards. His legs and arms felt weak. He was disoriented. He lay against a large boulder.

  "Cyrus stop!" Meza yelled.

  Something changed. Cyrus opened his eyes and looked at Meza. Except the eyes were not Cyrus’s, they was yellow and reptilian. Trees were being uprooted and mounds of dirt flung in the air. All Cyrus’s magic ended. Meza dared to stand up on his wobbling legs. The fire was out and the smoldering ruins were peppered all around him. The Clandestines’ remains were obliterated. Only pieces of bones and some clothing remained. Meza had to climb over trees and huge pieces of dirt to reach Cyrus. Meza found him on his back staring up into the sky.

  "Cyrus!" Meza said.

  Cyrus didn’t say a word. Cyrus’s Familiar was hovering next to him. Meza could still feel the magical energies sizzling around the wreckage. Cyrus turned toward him. He propped Cyrus up.

  "What happened?" Cyrus said.

  "You do not remember? This was like before when you use your magic. Your powers is controlling you," Meza said.

  He knew this was not the time to lecture him. Cyrus for good or evil stopped the Clandestines.

  "First, we need to get out of here. Our little fight alerted the guards at the capital," Meza said.

  Cyrus stood up and looked ar
ound at the upended trees and earth.

  Meza said, "You did this."

  "The Clandestines?"

  "All dead," Meza said.

  They heard the sounds of horses and steel. Meza led Cyrus to a ravine. He knew it was only a small scout party to find out what happened. They hid behind some bushes. A group of soldiers rode in horseback. They speedily scanned the area and left.

  He said, "They will come back with their commander and more soldiers."

  Cyrus nodded. They went into the forest. Meza felt his ribs. He was healed.


  Darrin wondered how to defend this city. In front of him were some of his chief officers handpicked by Marion to help him. She stood close to him. The commanders were mostly citizens who helped during the takeover of the city. Charles waited a few feet away.

  Darrin asked, "Do we have an alchemist or firework maker here?"

  Commander Varsly stood up and said, "I used to be an apprentice fireworks maker."

  "Good, I shall need your help. So, how are we on supplies and weapons?" he said.

  Marion said, "When we captured the city, the armory was fully stocked, and the coffers are filled with food to last a month."

  Darrin said, "Our scouts have found the royal army is a several leagues from us. They are taking their time getting here. I estimate they will be at our doorstep within a few days. We need all the men we can spare."

  He was not happy with the supplies. Sieges could last for several months or even several years, but it would have to do. Darrin doubted they would survive this battle. These people were not soldiers. They had never been in a long siege. He had to show confidence, especially in this time before the fighting began. He remembered something about Druthic. He asked Marion for an historian or librarian.

  "Sorry, the last scribe went missing a few years ago," Marion said.

  Darrin said, "Charles, I need you to go to the city's library and find out anything you can."

  Darrin gave his other commanders some tasks and sent them away. Prince Grendal was still waiting.

  He said, "Prince, I have an important task for you. I need you to take the women and children out of the city to your people."

  "I am needed here to fight," the prince said.

  "Grendal you are an elf. Your brothers can help hide these women and children better than us humans. I need you to protect them."

  "I understand. However, this battle will be terrible. And you need a strong arm to fight at your side," Grendal said.

  "Even so, I need you to honor my request. If we all perish in this battle, these children will carry on the revolution. We need you to protect them."

  "Yes, I will honor your request," the Prince said.

  Darrin said, "Marion, I also need you to go with Grendal."

  "What? I am the leader of the resistance here," Marion said.

  "Yes, you were the leader here. The men will still see you as their leader, but we cannot have two leaders in the battlefield."

  Marion shook her head and said, "I don’t agree, but I will leave with the prince."

  "When shall we depart?" the prince said.

  "Tomorrow at the latest."

  "I have to gather supplies and my men," Grendal said.

  "Thank you Grendal."


  Charles found the archives with the help of his assistant, Flin. It took an hour to open the library’s doors. The last keeper of the archives locked and barred the front entrance before he fled the city when the revolution began. They have been without a librarian for several years. The keeper of the archives just cleans and straightens the books. Flin found a back door and they had to destroy the large oak entry with an axe. When they entered the archives, the room smelled stale. Books and scrolls lined the room.

  Flin said, "What does Darrin want to find?"

  "I am not sure, but we need to find it, as soon as we can," he said.

  Flin said, "Why?"

  "The Royal Army is going to be here in less than a week."

  "I heard your friend Renoir came up the coast a few leagues from here," Flin said.

  "He is not my friend."

  "He asked for you by name and also for Darrin," Flin said.

  "Renoir will transport Prince Grendal and the others to safety."

  Charles grabbed a bunch of books and scrolls and took them to a dusty table. After thumbing through several books, he stood up and ambled through the library. He stomped down an aisle.

  Flin looked up and said, "Where are you going?"

  He mumbled, "Somewhere."

  "It is midday, and I’m famished," Flin said.

  "Go ahead and get something to eat. I am going to look around."

  Charles watched him scurry away, and he wondered why he was given this assignment. He should be helping with the upcoming battle. Dust and dirt littered the books and shelves. He looked around him and saw his footsteps made imprints in the dust.

  "Charles, where are you?" Darrin said.

  "I am over here."

  Darrin was wearing a new blue embroidered cloak and had three armed soldiers following him.

  "You are moving up in the world," Charles said.

  Darrin smirked and said, "It was not my idea. They thought I needed new clothes and escorts."

  He smiled and said, "I was just looking around."

  Darrin said, "Any luck finding anything?"

  "What am I looking for?"

  Darrin said, "The histories of this city. The battles won and lost. There might be something in here we could use."

  Charles said, "I haven’t found anything. I just read a dreary tome on the former ruler’s lineage."

  "Good luck," Darrin said and walked to the exit.

  Charles watched him go. He realized Darrin gave him this task because he knew the odds of surviving this battle were slim. Charles looked amid the tomes and tried to understand the order of which they were stacked. He couldn’t fathom which subject or ideas were organized. He kicked a piece of blank parchment. It skittered and fell along a closed door. The paper floated upwards and away. Charles felt a gentle breeze coming from the bottom of the entrance. Charles tried to open the door, but it was locked.

  Flin said, "Hey you should eat. The stew is great."

  Charles said, "Do you know what is behind this door?"

  "No," Flin said.

  "Do we have to use the axe again?"

  "No, I think there is a key around here," Flin said.

  Charles looked for some type of office or room. He walked toward the far corner. This area was dustier and had a scent of aged wood and moldy books. He couldn’t find anything that look promising. The windows illuminated the walls with a yellow glow.

  Flin said, "Charles, I found something."

  Charles found Flin overlooking a large leather-bound folio. He was scanning through pages.

  Flin said, "This is the scribe’s log book. It keeps records and information."

  Charles said, "The book has useless information."

  "Look here," Flin pointed, "'We have excavated some of the tunnels, but hopefully we can find the entrance.' This was logged a few years ago, before the last librarian went missing."

  He said, "Keep reading. Maybe the book can explain where the keys are hidden."

  The light dwindled into darkness. Charles lit a small torch. Moving down several rooms, he found a group of stairs leading downwards. He traversed the steps and found another large chamber with books and scrolls. He walked the entire length of this room and found nothing. His stomach grumbled. He needed to eat. He went back upstairs and found Flin still reading the journal.

  "Did you find anything?" Charles said.

  "Yes, the scribe was looking for an old entrance to the dam," Flin said.

  "The dam is a two leagues north of here," Charles said.

  "Supposedly, the dam was some type of defense," Flin said.

  "How would this be?"

  "The book does not say," Flin said.

"The journal’s binding looks odd," he said.

  Charles grabbed it and turned it over. The back cover was larger than the front. The cover was leather bound with gold lining. Charles noticed the back liner had a small cut on the top right corner. He took out his dagger and started to pick at the small hole. It peeled at the sides and inside was a key hidden in its folds.


  "You found it!" Flin said.

  They walked toward the locked door, and Charles placed the key in the lock. It opened with a squeak. A blast of cold air hit them.

  "Get the lanterns," Charles said.

  Their light flickered in the wind. Charles saw large pillars, which spanned in a semicircle order. He looked upwards and saw stars. When his eyes finally adjusted, he noticed the ceiling was actually painted glass. He estimated the area was bigger than the library main room. Flin stared at the pillars.

  Flin said, "There are more books here along the walls."

  Charles looked at the floor tile. He saw it was inlaid with white marble. He thought it must be very beautiful during the day. He followed the cold wind and saw more steps.

  "Flin, I am going down the stairs," Charles said.

  "Sure, but be careful," Flin said.

  Charles proceeded down the stairs. His stomach ached but he felt he was on a verge of finding something important. The air smelled unclean and foul. As he descended, he noticed the walls were glossy with water. He heard a grating sound like metal hitting metal.

  He reached the bottom and confronted another large circular room. There were wall brackets with unlit torches. Charles ignited all of them. A platform was erected in the middle. He noticed a massive hole with a dirt mound piled next to it. Maps and shovels were strung everywhere. He went to look at the maps and perceived it had some alien markings on it. Steps led up to some type of device. It had an odd lever with inscriptions he didn’t recognize. The lever was on the upward position and noticed that it could be pushed downward. The torches wavered in the wind. He looked at the massive hole. Fear crept up to him. He needed to explore that hole. He steeled his resolved and walked into the tunnel.