The Darkness Binds Read online

Page 16

  Flin said, "I believe this wall has this painting on it."

  Charles inspected the page. On the far left of the picture was a diagram of the city of Druthic and on the other corner was the dam. A long tunnel connected them.

  "Maybe the device was meant to open the dam," Charles said.

  They heard loud drums coming from the outside.

  Charles said, "The attack has started."


  Cyrus was breathing hard. They thought they had outsmarted the royal scouts but after a league from the stream, they heard the sounds of the barking dogs coming closer. They had been struggling to move the last two leagues. He saw the mountains of the abandoned cave in the distance.

  "Cyrus, we have reached the path of the Narrow," Meza said.

  In front of them was a winding dirt road, which led upwards toward the mountain peak.

  "Speed is important. We are almost there," Meza said.

  "We could stop and fight."

  "No, I cannot take the chance of you killing us," Meza said.

  Cyrus experienced hot, pulsating warmth spreading throughout his body.

  "You have to trust me," Meza said.

  "I can defeat them."

  "Even if you are the Drakus Vinnikai, you are still mortal and could die with an arrow or a blade," Meza said.

  Cyrus clenched his hands. Meza was correct. He reluctantly followed him up to the slope. The sun’s heat stung him. There was no cover. As they ascended, the trees and vegetation changed to rocks, sand and dirt. Cyrus looked back and saw the forest as a dark mass of green.

  "They are gaining on us."

  "I know," Meza said.

  Meza nodded and they continued upwards. They heard behind them the tracking dogs.

  "Hurry! The entrance is around this small hill," Meza said.

  Cyrus saw a group of soldiers advancing toward them and leading them was a dark cloaked man.

  "Keep going! That is the Master Assassin, Davious," Meza said.

  They ran around the small hill and confronted a small plateau leading to a dead end. There was no entrance to the cave. Cyrus heard the soldiers coming up the slope. Meza was intently looking at the rock face.

  "It is here somewhere," Meza said.

  Cyrus turned away. He knew they had run out of options. He was ready to fight. He relaxed and summoned his magic.

  "Aha," Meza said.

  Cyrus felt Meza conjure a spell and he heard the rock sliding. A large doorway magically appeared on the smooth rock.

  "Get in," Meza said.

  The spidery words of magic sealed the entrance. They were in the darkness. Cyrus sighed in relief and summoned his Familiar. It flew around them buzzing a noise. He lifted his right hand and the Familiar stopped moving and rested on his palm. It pulsated in different hues of colors.

  "Darrin's route will lead us on the other side of the mountain to an exit," Meza said.

  Cyrus looked around. His Familiar changed to a glowing white light. The abandoned cave was bigger than the sewers. It could easily accommodate a man on horseback. It smelled of raw earth and stone.

  They followed the pathway until it opened into a bigger cavern filled with different openings. Alien smells emanated from them. They followed one of the paths. It sloped downward. Cyrus touched the walls. It was smooth.

  "Meza, I read these caverns were abandoned because of the creatures," Cyrus said.

  "Some of it was true," Meza said.

  His Familiar started to dim. Meza lit his torch. Cyrus’s Familiar couldn’t sustain his light for long periods. The cave got darker when his Familiar left. He thought he saw things moving in the dark.

  Meza said, "Darrin told me there are things far worse than the creatures down here."

  They stopped to have a small meal and to rest. They were both exhausted from their flight and they didn’t want to talk. Cyrus took the first watch. Meza open his blanket and fell, promptly asleep and started snoring. Cyrus stared into space. He wanted to use his Wizard sight but he feared what he would see. He decided to take out the only weapon he had, a large dagger.

  He closed his eyes for a brief second and wondered if his dreams were trying to tell him something. He awoke to a sound of something moving. The torch was almost out. Cyrus summoned his Familiar and it shone a beacon of light. Nothing seemed different. He berated himself for napping. He stood and stretched a little. He heard a clicking noise coming from the shadows. Cyrus held his weapon higher.

  He peered into the darkness and couldn’t see anything discernible. The clicking tone came again. He focused his will and his Familiar emitted more light. Cyrus walked a few feet away to scan for the intruder. Nausea hit him and he fell on one knee. His Familiar dimmed. The wave of sickness struck him again. The snapping noise started to come from different directions. Something large detached itself from the cave wall. It scurried up to him. He first saw two large pincers coming into his sight then he saw the scaled body. It was a giant beetle.

  "Meza!" Cyrus yelled.

  More large creatures came into view. The odd noises were coming from the bugs. He held his knife toward the creature. The fangs closed and opened. The beetle stood up on its back legs. It emitted a high pitch noise. A wave of sickness hit him. He was going to pass out. Something flew behind him and struck the beetle in its stomach. It was an arrow. The shaft was embedded in the creature. The beast roared and backed away. The sickening feeling subsided. A man in a brown robe stood next to Meza.

  More arrows shot at the beetles scrambling toward him. The man next to Meza jumped in front. The insect didn’t want to give up his prey and tried to stab Cyrus with its long jaws. The robed figure dodged and kicked outward toward the head of the beetle. The creature roared and tried to crush him with its belly. Cyrus felt a prickly sensation. The robed figure shouted a high sound and struck the beetle with the palm of his hand. The beetle flew backwards.

  Another figure dressed in black leather roared a growl and shot more arrows at the creatures. The black leather figure moved catlike. The fighting was over. The beetles’ clicking noise stopped altogether.

  "What are those things?" Cyrus said.

  "Cave beetles. Nasty bunch. They omit a strange noise which makes people nauseous," the brown robe man said.

  "Who are you?" Cyrus said.

  "My name is Rulf and these are my companions: Eareth is the man with the eagle wings, Grath is the panther being, and Rem is the dwarf," he said.

  Cyrus concentrated and his Familiar shone more light. The men in front of him look like creatures out of some fairy-tale. Eareth wore light armor and carried a long bow and had long white and brown wings. He moved as if was going to fly. Grath was dressed in all black leather and had fur all over his body. He stood erect and stared at him. His eyes were almond in shape with a startling black and yellow pupils. Grath growled a little and his yellow eyes looked at him as if he was going to eat him. Rem was short and built strong like a rock. He carried a long wooden staff with a gem on top.

  "Thank you for rescuing us," Cyrus said.

  Rulf bowed and said, "You are welcome, young sorcerer. We understand your language. The dwarf and I can only speak it. The others cannot."

  Cyrus said, "How do you know I am a mage."

  "I can see your power. Your companion is also a mage. But, your power is different," Rulf said.

  Meza said, "Forgive us. We have not seen your kind in centuries. We are honored."

  Meza bowed.

  Rulf said, "I was once a Strathick monk. You do not have to bow."

  Meza said, "I am honored to be in your presence."

  Cyrus didn’t understand any of this. He also bowed.

  "My name is Meza and this is my comrade, Cyrus."

  Rulf said, "I am honored, Cyrus Drakus Vinnikai and Wizard Meza."

  Cyrus was dumbfounded. He stared at Rulf and his companions. He hoped they would not attack them. They clasp his hand in greeting. He relaxed.

  Rulf said, "We must leave this
area. This place is the home of the giant beetles."

  They followed Rulf and his companions out into another tunnel. They passed stalagmites and a small underground lake. Cyrus was tired and was about to fall asleep, when Rulf called for a stop. The air smelled cleaner. A steady breeze blew through the cave.

  "We are close to the outside," Rulf said. "Please rest. We will talk later."


  Darrin stood at the front wall of the city of Druthic. He looked upon the vast royal army. He showed courage even though he was scared. Looking at the sheer numbers of the royal army disheartened him. The enemy's battle drums had been beating all day and his men and military commanders stood next to him looking nervous. He hoped Charles could find something to help him. The drums finally stopped. Darrin gripped the hilt of his sword. A small group of soldiers galloped to the front of the main wall. They carried the banner of neutrality.

  "Darrin, it’s Captain Mercer. We know you are there. Speak!" Captain Mercer yelled.

  "What do you want?" Darrin said.

  "I want you to surrender the city. Darrin, there is no way your little revolution can win. The entire Royal Army is ready to destroy you," Captain Mercer said.

  "You will have to come and get us!" Darrin shouted.

  A great cheer arose from Darrin’s men. Captain Mercer and his men galloped back to the main group of the army.

  Darrin said to his captain, "Remember to instruct the archers to not shoot their arrows until the enemy has rode through the small trenches."

  Darrin tested the wind. It was blowing toward the main group of the royal army. He looked upon the wall and the ramparts. He understood the Royal Army generals thinking they were going against an inferior force and could take the city by force. He needed to tip the scales in his favor. The Royal army divided themselves into groups of five hundred men. Each group started marching toward the front wall. The enemy's shields glinted in the sun. It was truly a sight to take in. The drums started again. The soldiers marched to the beat of the noise. Darrin scanned to see if there were mages in the group. He could see the black robe devils standing awaiting orders.

  Darrin gave a nod for his bowmen to light their arrows. Everything was set. He hoped his men would live another day. They looked scared but determined. His men were strong and ready for anything. He was proud of them. Their revolution, their honor would be tested today. All the bowmen were waiting for the signal. Darrin felt calm, a moment of peace in a sea of chaos. He didn’t want to think of tactics. He wanted just to feel and use his instinct. The approaching army seemed to stroll on the battlefield. They passed the first row of small gullies. The dark powder stirred, spread, and attached to the enemies’ armor. Darrin heard some of the royal soldiers cough but they didn’t think this powder was harmful. Long rows of spears gleamed. It was almost too pretty to be a battle. This looked like a parade. The royal mages followed behind, fearless and awesome. Before the enemy marched into bowshot, they yelled a war cry and ran. Darrin waited. His commander looked at him. They royal army was almost to the wall. Darrin nodded.

  His commander said, "Drop the powder!"

  Large casks of black powder were thrown in the air. The powder spread and engulfed the enemy soldiers. The royal soldiers moved through the powder without a pause.

  Darrin yelled, "Now!"

  Thousands of bows sounded as they released their flaming arrows. The royal soldiers trained to perfection brought their shields over their heads to protect themselves. Fire spread from the powder and burned on their armor. The soldiers tried to put out the fire but it ignited more flames. The royal soldier screamed. Another volley of arrows sprung into their midst. Darrin held his hand up. The bowmen stopped firing. The battlefield was an inferno of burning bodies. The royal army was decimated. The smell of charring flesh wafted through the city. His soldiers cried at the sight of the carnage. Somebody vomited.

  Darrin yelled, "Stand tall men. The day is not over."

  The royal army sounded a retreat. The dead were left to burn. Darrin’s bowmen mercifully killed the remaining men left in the battlefield. Darrin hated this grim reminder of death. People had to die for him to win. They royal army waited beyond the funeral pyres of their dead comrades. Darrin suspected the royal army might try to strike late in the night. He called his men to rest and posted some guards. They lived another day.


  Meza and Cyrus sat across from Rulf and his companions. A small fire was between them. They gathered wood from the debris they found scattered along the caves. The smoke filtered out into deeper parts of the cavern.

  Rulf said, "The large beetles do not like the smell of smoke."

  Meza said, "Thank you again for saving us."

  Rem said, "We heard you stirring the beasts. We came to investigate."

  Rulf said, "Are you fleeing from some captors?"

  "No," Cyrus said.

  "I do not mean any disrespect, Drakus Vinnikai, but you are not miners. You are ill equipped to travel these caves," Rulf said.

  Cyrus said, "The emperor marked me as a traitor."

  Rulf said, "Do not worry. We will not pass judgment."

  Meza said, "Why have you journey far from you homeland?"

  The dwarf, Rom, said while indicating toward his companions, "Our county has been plagued by a deadly disease. My clerical powers cannot heal the sick. It is beyond my powers. Our sage told us that our kingdoms must band together and find the sacred stone to find the cure."

  Meza said, "This sacred stone is here?"

  Rom nodded.

  "Will you be helping us?" Rulf said.

  Meza said, "We have not decided yet."

  "Why did the emperor mark you as a traitor?" Rulf inquired.

  Cyrus said, "It is a long story."

  He related the story with the help of Meza. He, of course, left out details of the princess.

  Rulf commented, "This person, the Shade, is a very helpful person. Do you know who she is?"

  "Why did you say she? I do not know who this person is."

  "I have this feeling that you met this person before."

  "Something is going on at the capital. Do you have any odd murders in your kingdom such as we described?" Meza asked.


  Grath growled some type of language.

  Rulf translated. "The panther people have smelled in the wind the taint of black magic. They never venture to these places. Dark rituals were performed there."

  Cyrus nodded and asked, "Are Grath’s cities close to the empire?"

  "Yes," Rom said. "There have been rumors of an ancient arcane power which called forth the dead. Nobody has used these rituals for hundreds of years. Cyrus, you said you saw some remnants of this ritual at your village and also in your city?"

  "I think so."

  Rom said, "My brotherhood of druids destroyed these necromancer's centuries before who had used rituals such as you said. It seems somebody has started another black coven."

  "Black coven?" Meza said.

  "A group of wizards tempted to use dark forbidden powers for their bidding," Rom said.

  "So this evil must have spread here," Cyrus said.

  "I do not think so. We would have felt this growing evil in our cabal."

  Meza said, "Can you detect these rituals if it was far away from your cities?"

  "I do not know."

  Rulf said, "We are not here to address this. We need to find the cure for the plague."

  Meza said, "We need rest. I will take first watch."

  Grath stood guard as well. It was difficult in all his experiences to be completely trust anybody. He only trusted the members of the Freedom Fighters. Meza wished Cyrus didn’t tell these strangers about how he was branded a murderer. This was careless. He would need to talk to Cyrus about this. The bonfire started to dwindle. Meza added more pieces of kindling. He looked along the shadowy figures sleeping. He sense Grath peering into the darkness. Meza didn’t want to look at the man-beast. He had see
n many odd things but never a group like this. Yet, Rulf reminded him of another person. He had a suspicion Rulf had other reasons to be here. He slept for a few hours when Rom took over. Meza awoke. The group was already getting ready to depart.

  Rulf said, "Meza, have you decided to stay with us?"

  "We will travel with you," Cyrus said.

  Meza wanted to protest but he realized Cyrus was already set in his decision to remain.

  "So, where are we headed," he said.

  "The prophet said the cure will be found amid these caves," Rulf said.

  "Do you have some clue or a map?" Meza said.

  "No, we know where we are going," Rulf said.

  "How?" Meza said. He wanted to ask more but he thought he would insult him.

  "We just know," Rulf said.

  The group followed Rulf through the caves. The cave walls started to become more jagged and slick with water. He saw his breath in the air and he wrapped his cloak closer around him. The path started to descend deeper into the mountain. They travelled for several hours, stopping for a little snack at midday. Meza noticed the group split into two groups: Rulf and Eareth as one group and Rom, Grath, Cyrus and himself as the other. Eareth travelled with his wings tucked behind his back and he every so often looked at Grath with hatred. His wings would bristle when he gazed at him.

  Cyrus looked content to be next to Grath as if he was his bodyguard. Meza wanted Cyrus to keep his guard up. He was a little afraid of the panther man’s large claws and fluid movement. He thought without Rulf as the leader this small group would fight with each other. Rulf was clearly the glue, which kept their group together. Once Eareth stepped in front of Grath by mistake and some harsh words were exchanged between them. Rulf silently appeared and said something to them. Eareth nodded and Grath backed away.

  Meza said to Rom, "Do Grath and Eareth have some kind of problem with each other?"

  Rom said, "Eareth and Grath’s people are mortal enemies."

  Meza said, "It’s odd that they should embark this quest together."

  "The plagues affect all, no matter if they are friend or foe," Rom said.

  The tunnel broadened into another large cavern with a waterfall at the far end. Cyrus was about to step closer to the water, when Grath placed his paw to stop him. Grath pointed downwards. Meza saw the ground drop into a large chasm. Their torches barely illuminated the path.