The Darkness Binds Read online

Page 19

  "I couldn’t control my magic. It controlled me. And there was something else. Something, I haven’t felt before.

  "What was it?"

  "I felt something dark and evil."

  Meza paused and said, "We need to find the Drakus Vinnikai Towers. Until then I think you should use your powers sparingly."

  He touched his shoulder. The dagger was gone and he was healed.


  Darrin overlooked his map of the region. He wondered if his plan would work. It was risky. The black army was fearless and he needed to inspire his soldiers to fight. The black knights were just men. His plan was simple. These black knights were just as good as his defenders. Darrin looked at another map, which showed the city and surrounding area. He looked where his men were scattered along the walls and the bowman were stationed. They were marked in different colors.

  His commander said, "Darrin, we lost several hundred men, and another one hundred and fifty was injured. So that leaves only four hundred men able to fight."

  Darrin nodded and said, "Commanders, we can defend this city with only one hundred men. Do not be disheartened, the black army is no more. These warriors are men."

  He knew his men were battle-seasoned and ready to face any enemy.

  "I want men always stationed on the wall."

  Darrin turned and looked upon the map. He noticed the distance between Druthic and the dam. He sent a silent prayer to Kronos the God of luck for Charles to succeed.

  Darrin said, "I know of an elixir, a potion, which can make men strong and fast, but it is dangerous."

  Commander Phelan said, "Sir, we need something to help us."

  Darrin said, "I only propose using this potion because the time is dire, and we need hope. It will be voluntary for everybody. The dangers of this potion can make a man insane or paralyzed for life. Commanders, you have to tell your men of these dangers, before they drink it."

  He nodded and all his commanders went to their troops. Darrin left to see head cook and asked him for several ingredients. He asked the cook to prepare a large batch of the elixir.


  Charles followed the large stream north. Several times, he spotted royal soldiers patrolling the river’s edge, and he hid amid the bushes. He didn’t know this part of the country and hoped he would not get lost. He stopped and heard the telltale sounds of metal rattling. He disappeared underneath some large rocks and saw Royal soldiers.

  A guard said, "Why do we patrol out here? We can be inside the Dam where it is cooler."

  Another soldier said, "Brother, at least we are not fighting at Druthic. I heard they had to call the Black army to fight the rebels."

  "Too bad for the rebels," the other royal soldier said.

  Charles heard the soldiers walk away. After a few minutes, he ran up north staying parallel to the river. He saw poking out of the distance a large man-made barrier made of wood and steel. The stream flowed underneath this structure. He ducked just in time because a party of soldiers crossed the area in front of him.

  He found the dam. The structure was well-guarded from both sides of the entrance. He moved a half a league away and tried to devise a plan. He sat underneath a tall elm tree, hiding in the dark. He wished he had several of his comrades to assist him. He could try to masquerade as a royal soldier. He dismissed this idea because the patrols always went in twos. He couldn’t subdue both men. He waited until darkness.


  Cyrus and the rest of the group emerged from the Forbidden caves. Rulf bowed to Cyrus and said, "We are honored to have journeyed with you, Cyrus. We will meet again."

  Rulf’s group started heading west. Cyrus and Meza watched them leave standing outside the cave’s entrance happy to have the sun on their backs. Wild grass and flowers scented the air.

  He asked, "Meza, where should we go?"

  "I think if you agree, we should seek help from the resistance."

  He realized they had nowhere to go and nodded gravely.

  "So be it, let’s find shelter, and then I will scout ahead," Meza said. "The nearest village is a few leagues south from here."

  At midday, after trekking for a few hours, the heat became unbearable. Cyrus was drenched in sweat. Meza called for a break. They found cover in a nook of trees and boulders.

  Meza said, "I will be back. Just stay hidden from sight.”

  Cyrus sat inside the shelter. He was dead tired and could fall sleep at any time. The temperature started rising and Cyrus was glad he was sitting in the dark. He heard birds chirping and trees swaying. He resisted using his Wizard’s sight.

  His mind drifted off to the princess. He wondered if she was happy being married to a prince. He wished things were different. Too many things happened since he set out from his village to the capital. All he wanted was to have justice for the murdered children. Things were different now. He was scared that he would become like his father, an evil sorcerer and mass murderer. When Cyrus used his magic, he felt evil. Even now, he felt his magic stirring in his chest ready to break through. He sensed the Rathraka calling him from his traveling pack and heard the whisper of disembodied voices again. The voices were talking to him in an indecipherable language. It willed him into a deep slumber.

  He opened his eyes and realized he was not in the forest and the heat anymore. Cyrus stood upon a mountain. A tall man dressed in dark blue and black armor stood upon an ornate throne. He beckoned Cyrus to come near him. Cyrus couldn’t see the man’s features because it was hidden behind a hideous helmet.

  "Son," the man said, "look at your destiny."

  Cyrus turned around. He heard thousands of people chanting his name. The name they spoke was not his. However, he knew it was his real name, Azazel Merilus.

  "Yes son, that is your real name," the man said.

  "Are you my father?"

  "Yes," the man said.

  Cyrus didn’t question the man. He just knew he was his dad.

  The man said, "You can have all of this. You can be a grander ruler than I have ever been."

  Cyrus basked in the glow of his subjects. He felt their loyalty. He also felt their fear. He held his hand up in the air, magic burst from his palms and stopped. His subjects ceased chanting.

  "Yes, son, this is what real power feels like. You are my legacy. You are my son," the man said.

  Cyrus felt somebody pushing and prodding him. He awoke looking at Meza. The vestiges of the dream were still in his mind and Cyrus shook his head.

  Meza said, "You must have drifted off the sleep. You murmured a name, Azazel Merilus. Who is that?"


  "I located a town a few leagues from here. There is a royal garrison with soldiers stationed outside," Meza said.

  "We cannot go there."

  "I can. I will get us some information from my contact there," Meza said.

  "Can you manage this alone?"

  "Yes, I have been to this town before. I will be fine," Meza said.

  "How long are you going to be?" he asked.

  "One day is all I need. It is too late to set out. I will leave first light tomorrow morning," Meza said.

  Darkness crept on. This maddening journey running from enemies was taking a toll on him. The dream he had was so vivid. He wanted to tell Meza but decided against it. It was only a delusion.

  Meza said, "I will catch us a meal. I think it is safe to build a small fire. The soldiers are scared to approach the Forbidden caves. They will not patrol this far north from their garrison."

  Cyrus watched Meza disappear into the forest. He looked around and found a small clearing for the fire. He cleared away the leaves and rocks and created a pit. Meza came back holding two slaughtered rabbits and a flask filled with water. Meza looked at the wood pit and shook his head.

  Meza said, "I need to teach you a thing or two about being out of here in the wilds."

  "Sorry, I am only a history teacher."

  Meza said, "Yet, you risked the journey to the
capital by yourself."

  "Yes, I had to."

  Meza fixed the fire pit and made a proper fire. He gutted and skinned the rabbits. He cooked the rabbits on a roasting stick. Cyrus and Meza ate.

  Meza said, "I wish we had ale. That was the best meal I had in a long time."

  "Why do you want to help me? You could have left me a thousand times."

  "Well, I consider you a friend. And friendships are rare for me," Meza said.

  Cyrus remembered Meza had a younger brother who died from pneumonia. Cyrus wondered if he reminded him of his brother.

  "Meza, thank you for helping me."

  "Real friends never need to ask," Meza said.

  He said, "I know. However, I have a bad feeling about my magic. I am not sure if I can ever control the powerful forces I conjure."

  Meza looked at Cyrus and said, "I will watch over you."

  He said, "Meza you have to promise me if I become like my father, you will end my life."

  "I cannot promise that."

  "Promise me."

  "I will."


  At first light Meza awoke and had a quick breakfast of berries and nuts. The day was warm like the day before. Meza was perspiring in his leather jerkin and pants. He had on a small leather cap the woodsmen love to wear. As he got closer to the village, he tensed after he saw the first squad of royal soldiers. Meza hunched over.

  A guard said, "You there what business you have in this village."

  "Good sirs, I need supplies," Meza said. "I travelled from over yonder by the hills. I live by the caves."

  When Meza mentioned the Forbidden Caves, the soldier stepped back and used an evil warding off sign.

  The soldier said, "You’re crazy to live near those caverns."

  Meza said, "I like the neighbors. They do not talk to the living and leave me alone."

  The soldier spat. "You’re a fool. Come in and get your supplies."

  Meza said, "I also need to go to the whorehouse."

  The soldier said, "At least the spirits haven’t robed you of the pleasures of the flesh. Ask for Carlotta, she’s a buxom brunette."

  "Thanks," Meza said.

  The village was called Broden. He was a bit surprised at first when he saw the garrison because this village was just an old mining town. His contact was the owner of the general store. His secret name was the Black Hawk. Meza’s name was Blue Stone. The local people all huddled in their own groups while the soldiers milled around the streets. Meza could tell from the edgy hard stares from the soldiers that war was in the air. Something big happened. He was hungry for some type of news.

  The village consisted of a main road with a general store and a pocket of domestic homes. The store was small by large city standards, but it was the only shop for leagues from here. Usually the residents of Broden sat in front but now royal soldiers stood outside. Meza heard two people arguing.

  "When I am going to receive payment for these goods," the proprietor said.

  "You will receive payment from the treasury," the sergeant said.

  "When will that be," the proprietor said.

  "Here are some official documents stating that you will be receiving your money in a few weeks," the sergeant said.

  The proprietor was about to say something when he saw Meza standing inside his store.

  "So be it. I will be waiting for payment," the proprietor said.

  The sergeant threw the documents at the owner and motioned his soldiers to start gathering the grain sacks and potatoes. The owner waited until the soldiers left and said to Meza, "Go into the back. I will be there soon."

  Meza already knew where to go. He went into the rear, opened a nondescript door, and entered. He lit the candle located on the table and waited. He didn’t have to wait long because his contact came into the room.

  "Blue Stone," the proprietor said. "You are taking a risk coming here."

  "Black Hawk, I need to know what is happening."

  Black Hawk said, "You do not know? The revolution has started at Druthic."


  "The locals overthrew the royal government," Black Hawk said.

  "I need to get there. I have some important news," Meza said.

  The proprietor said, "You cannot go to Druthic. The whole royal army is laying siege to the city."

  "I have some news which could help them."

  Black Hawk paused and listened for any noise and said, "Darrin is already there helping with the fight."

  "Thank you for the information. Is there other news?"

  Black Hawk said, "I heard the princess is missing."

  "I heard the same thing. Maybe she got cold feet," he said.

  "Who knows? The royals are always taking vacations," Black Hawk said while smiling.

  "Thank you. Until I see you again, be safe," Meza said and then they shook hands.

  "It has been a long time Blue Stone. May the gods be with you," Black Hawk said.

  "Can I get some supplies before I leave?"

  "Take whatever I have left. The soldiers have taken most of my inventory."

  Meza left carrying a small sack. The soldiers didn’t bother him while he left the town. He went into the forest and found Cyrus in their hiding place.

  Meza said, "We have to leave as soon as possible. The revolution has started. Will you fight for us?"

  Cyrus said, "I have other plans. I am not sure if I can involve myself. I am already a fugitive."

  "Cyrus this revolution is for freedom. Can’t you see the evil growing in the capital? The poverty and the murders are all connected to the emperor. You have real power. You can fight for justice."

  Cyrus opened his hands and said, "Can your leader find the Drakus Vinnikai towers?"

  "He is smart and knows things. He will help you but we need you to help us first."

  Cyrus pondered and said, "I will go to your leader and I will decide when I will see him."


  As Cyrus followed Meza down south, he felt his destiny was not in his hands. It seemed somebody was planning his life. He had to decide to fight for the rebellion. He didn’t believe in the revolution. Killing the emperor would change nothing. He wondered what King David would do.

  "Meza," he said, "why do you fight for the rebellion?"

  "The common man needs a voice in the government."

  He said, "Meza that is silly. How can the common man affect the ruling class?"

  "We are the ruling class not the aristocrats and the emperor. We need to dictate our own laws," Meza said.

  "Your rebellion is destroying this great empire."

  Meza said, "My leader wants to reinstate the Great Council."

  "The Great Council never worked," Cyrus said.

  Meza stopped and looked at him. "Your history books are flawed. The Great Council flourished for hundreds of years until the Rowans instituted the monarchy."

  "No, the Rowans created the monarchy to keep the kingdom together."

  "Lies, all lies. King David was going to make changes until he was murdered." Meza said.

  "What changes?"

  Meza said, "I knew about what King David discovered. He found some ancient tomes, a history book pre-dating the Rowan Empire. He told my leader the Great Council was undermined by the Rowans and that he wanted to reinstate the council. Somebody close to him killed him."

  "Who do you suspect? The emperor?"

  Meza said, "I do not think the emperor has enough brains to summon an arch demon."

  "Somebody else in the aristocracy?"

  "We believe so. The whole aristocracy is corrupt," Meza said.

  "The princess is not corrupt," Cyrus said.

  "We understand that."

  "I am not sure I can help. I cannot control my powers. I need to find the towers."

  Meza said, "We can help you with that. There is a vast library at Druthic."

  "We could be walking into a trap."

  "I know," Meza said.


  Night came in with the howling of the animals. Cyrus jumped when he heard the noise. They ate a cold dinner of dried fruit and beef jerky. The two moons were waxing illuminating the area. Nevertheless, there were too many shadows in the underbrush. His Familiar appeared and circled their campsite.

  Meza said, "Have you tried to communicate with your Familiar?"


  "At the caves you talked to the Familiar, Zeelin," Meza said.

  He stood and said, "I will give it a try."

  Cyrus called his Familiar to him. It stopped circling and floated in front of him.

  "Hello, my name is Cyrus," he said.

  The Familiar changed into an angry scarlet color and flew away.

  He said, "I tried."

  The Familiar came back, hovered in front of him, and disappeared.

  Meza said, "Give it some time. Maybe you have to learn something."

  He wondered how Meza could sleep through the ruckus. He was reminded of the banshee a few months ago. The sound was terrible. Cyrus finally fell asleep.

  "Cyrus," Meza said.

  He awoke. Meza was shaking him.


  "You were having a nightmare. You started yelling," Meza said.

  "Sorry," he said while squinting into the sunlight.

  It was morning. The sun peaked over the trees. After they ate, Meza led them to a small path. They stopped mid-afternoon underneath a large hill and ate their food sparingly.

  Cyrus said, "Maybe we can shoot an arrow into Druthic and give them a message."

  "Yes, I was thinking along the same lines," Meza said. "Except I do not have any arrows left."

  "We can just take then from one of the royal soldiers."

  Meza stared at Cyrus and chuckled. He said, "Cyrus you are becoming a mercenary."

  "No, I am not. I just think desperate men do not have many choices."

  They picked up their stuff and started on their journey again. They travelled for a league.

  "We will camp here. We will travel at night when the moons are full," Meza said.

  It was plainly too hot to travel during the day. Cyrus took off his vest and cloak. He closed his eyes but the heat didn’t let him rest. He fitfully dozed. He heard Meza gently snoring in a dimness of the trees. The sun beat down on them even though they were sheltered underneath a copse of bushes.