The Darkness Binds Page 21
Darrin yelled, "Destroy the platforms!"
The battle was furious. For each black knight Darrin killed several more took its place. They couldn’t get close to the siege platforms.
"Fall back into the city!" Darrin said.
Cyrus shot fire bolts into their midst. His magic was intoxicating. He summoned his Familiar and it shot lightning at the dark mage. The wizard ducked and fell behind the steps.
Meza yelled, "Cyrus! We need you. The dam is not opening."
Cyrus quelled his magic and ran toward him. Blood flowed freely from a cut on Meza’s head.
He said, "The panel is destroyed."
The black mage shot a thick substance at Cyrus and it engulfed his legs. He couldn’t move. He became nauseated and disoriented and his Familiar disappeared. He fell to the ground. From his vantage point, Cyrus saw Meza throw a spell at the black mage but the mage blocked it. Charles ran to Cyrus and helped take off the web-like substance.
Charles said, "Cyrus, I think Drakus Vinnikai built this place with their magic. I think you can open the dam with your magic."
The black mage cast a spell and pointed it at him.
Meza clapped his hands together and sent a blast of air. The black mage disappeared. Charles helped Cyrus up to the broken panel. Cyrus didn’t know how to start, but he had to try.
He focused his magic into the unit. His mind opened a doorway, and he knew what to do. It was simple. He just had to concentrate on a certain area. Cyrus smiled and refocused his magic. A big explosion threw Cyrus and Charles off the platform.
Cyrus awoke lying on the stairs. Broken rock and stone was scattered around him. Charles was off to his right, and was unconscious. The black mage appeared. His eyes glowed hatred. Meza shot a fireball spell, and the black mage conjured a force field. The heat of the spell burned Cyrus hair.
"Do it now!" Meza said.
Darrin and his troops fell back into the city. They closed the many gates and barriers. The enemy stopped their advance. There was a brief respite. The city had fallen again. His men looked at him. He stood over his remaining soldiers.
Darrin said, "Men, we are warriors. We will not be defeated. We will never surrender. We will be a beacon to the revolution."
His men stood up and yelled a furious cry.
Darrin said, "Let them come. Our lives will show the injustice our lives have become."
His men with renewed hope stood along the inner city’s buildings. Darrin looked at his men and hoped Charles was still alive. The royal soldiers thundered down the streets. Darrin called his men to arms.
Cyrus concentrated all his energy into the broken mechanism. He saw in his mind’s eye the apparatus, which controlled the Dam.
"No!" the black mage said and shot a burst of lightning at him.
Cyrus was too immersed in his magic to do anything. He couldn’t create a shield. Meza flung himself into the path of the spell. Meza was instantly charred. Cyrus unleashed magic down the platform and broke open the dam. He crouched next to Meza. Deep anger arose from Cyrus. He threw his magic at the black mage. It harmlessly bounced off the mage’s shield. Cyrus kept calling forth his power
The black mage said, "If I shall die, you will die with me!"
A small dark vial fell from the mages hand. His magical shield disintegrated. He became engulfed in Cyrus arcane spells. The black mage yelled a high pitch scream and turned into ashes. Cyrus ceased his onslaught.
Meza weakly said, "Destroy the vial."
Cyrus stood up shakily. The vial broke and liquid poured onto the floor. The whole room started to tremble.
"What was that?"
Meza said, "A destruction potion."
He said, "Charles, help me with Meza. We need to get him out of here."
They grabbed him and carried him out of the room. The dam shook again. A large fissure opened where the vial unsealed. Charles directed them down the corridor toward the exit. Cyrus stumbled. They almost dropped Meza. All of his energy was expended. The ground shook again. Another sound was heard. It was the sound of stone fracturing. The walls crumbled like paper. They rushed down the corridor and jumped outside. They fell on the dirt path. Several royal soldiers looked at them and ran off into the woods. Charles was the first to get to his feet. Cyrus looked behind them and saw the rushing waters destroying the rest of the dam.
Meza moaned, "Cyrus, I am dying. Please tell Darrin the gift you have."
He coughed and fell lifeless.
Darrin and his men yelled a war cry and turned toward the mob of enemy soldiers. His men fought as one and with such ferocity, the royal soldiers stopped their advanced. Darrin in the heat of battle threw back every enemy soldier before him. His men bravely fought through the hole he created. His soldiers later would tell the tale of Darrin’s legendary battle skills that day. How he was like an army of one doing battle against death himself. Nobody could defeat him. He was invincible. The Ram Math, the blood rage, poured through him.
A voice thundered through the noise, "Stop!"
A black mage pointed his finger at Darrin and a small tornado hit him, pushing Darrin against a wall.
The black mage said, "You are surrounded."
Darrin tried to get out of the spell, but he couldn’t move. All pockets of resistance ceased as the Freedom Fighters saw their leader pinned.
"Ha, ha, your rebellion is now over," the black mage said. "Watch as your beloved leader dies."
The black mage shot a lightning bolt at Darrin. The spell envelope him and threw sparks all over his body. Darrin’s face contorted in pain. His soldiers watched in agony. One of his men tried to reach Darrin. However, he was struck down by an enemy soldier.
Darrin felt the wave of electricity exploding from his head to his toes. Darrin’s eyesight dimmed. He fought to stay awake. Even in his state of pain, he heard something rushing toward them. It was the sound of a thousand of horses. He remembered his childhood, the beautiful ocean from his homeland. This must how death arrives. He saw the beautiful lakes of his youth. He felt calm all over.
Water surged through the city. Cries of men rose. Enemy soldiers disappeared as the wave of water crested and smashed. Darrin fell and grabbed on to a pillar. The water level rose and he had to move higher ground. His head was under water for a few minutes. He almost laughed. He almost died by lightning and now by water. The water receded.
Darrin looked around. No enemy soldiers were around him. The black mage was gone.
"Arm yourself. We do not know who is alive," Darrin said.
After an hour, they rounded up a motley group of enemy soldiers who survived. Darrin stared on top of the main wall. Water still flowed down the entrance to the city. The enemy encampment was submerged in a lake.
"Dead!" the Emperor screamed. "All of my army is dead!"
"Sire," the black mage said, "A messenger who survived told us of a sudden flood."
The emperor’s face was aghast. He wanted to strangle the rebel leader, Darrin Masters. However, he couldn’t fathom that his Royal troops were decimated.
"Also," the black mage continued.
"There is more?" the emperor said while gripping his chair.
"Two of my brethren have died. One died in the dam, and another mage died in Druthic."
The emperor threw his goblet down the floor. Wine spilled all over the ground. His enemy was now becoming too powerful. He needed more troops.
"Barthrow!" the Emperor said.
Barthrow slithered into the throne room. "Yes, sire?"
"Did you hear the news?"
"Yes," Barthrow said.
"What do we do?" the emperor pleaded.
Barthrow nodded and said, "You need another army."
The emperor said, "Yes, we do, but they are scoundrels and only madmen will ask them for their help. I have a better idea. Everybody get out except Barthrow."
r /> When everybody left, Hawkney said, "I still have some soldiers left in the prison mines. Bring them here. You will give my soldiers demon powers?"
The emperor hunched down and started to go into convulsions. His body started to change. Huge claws sprouted from his hands, and his face changed into a hideous creature. Green scales sprouted all over the emperor’s skin. The Arch Demon ripped off the emperor’s clothes.
Barthrow said, "I will do as you command. I will create your demon army."
The demon emperor said, "Bring in my black mages. We have much to prepare."
Narah had stopped fighting her situation. She sat meditating on her cot. Her teacher, Darrin, told her there are different ways to defeat opponents. Narah felt something would present itself. She just had to trust in her instincts. She found her inner center. She felt her energy flow within her. Yet, her mind wandered, thinking about Cyrus. She heard somebody at the front of her cell. Her lunch had arrived.
Rachel uttered, "Something happened at Druthic. Most of the guards are gone."
Narah nodded and took her food. Rachel scampered away. She glanced out her prison window and noticed the usual sounds of the prisoners were missing. She looked around and didn’t see any guards or prisoners on the ground. Narah thought this was peculiar and felt a little tickling on her back.
"Hellooo," a slurred voiced said, "My little jail bird."
Narah saw a large guard, drunkenly walking toward her cell. Another guard was standing behind him. She could smell the liquor on their clothes.
The large guard said, "Remember me, I was the one who brought you here my little jail bird."
There was menace in the large guard’s eyes. Sweat poured from his forehead.
The other guard said, "Ethan, we should leave. You know what the captain told us."
Ethan said, "Nah, I need some time with my jail bird."
Narah backed away into her cell. Ethan opened the cell door and pocketed the key.
The other guard said, "Hurry, we need to leave now."
Ethan said, "I told the captain, I will be the last guard to leave. Let them all starve."
Narah moved to the far corner. She could smell his musty scent.
"Come on," Ethan said, "I have not seen you for a long time."
As he came closer, the Shade looked behind Ethan and noticed how the other guard looked at her with hungry eyes. Narah’s center, her Diten, simmered in her body. As Ethan reached at her with a thick hand, Narah sprang and kicked him in the stomach. Ethan flew backwards hitting the other guard.
Ethan said, "I know you now."
"Yes, I am the Shade."
The other guard ran away from her. Narah pounced and grabbed Ethan’s dagger. She flew toward the guard and cut his throat. The Shade went back to Ethan and said, "Give me your keys."
He couldn’t move. His eyes were wide open. He shakily threw it at her.
Ethan said, "Kill me."
She walked away from him and said, "You better not leave right now. I will release all the prisoners, and they might want to kill you. You were right. You will be the last guard to leave."
Cyrus found a suitable spot to bury Meza underneath a large oak tree. Charles helped him dig and fill the grave. Cyrus contemplated how everything worked out. He felt he could have saved Meza if he understood his magic.
"Cyrus," Charles said, "I will get us some food and water."
Cyrus nodded and stared at Meza’s burial place. He remembered Meza as a young boy always intent on his magical studies. Those lines of memory blurred with the recent events they had endured together. Meza understood his feelings regarding the princess. Cyrus swiped the perspiration from his face and walked away. He sat in the dimness of another tree. He summoned his Familiar. It appeared and glowed in a blue hue.
Charles came back holding supplies and said, "Your Familiar helped us in the battle. Can you control it?"
"Yes, to a degree."
Charles prepared the fish he caught and started a small fire.
He said, "The things you did last night were extraordinary. Thank you for your help."
Cyrus said, "Meza was a friend of yours, and that makes you my friend."
"How long have you known him?"
"I have known him since we were kids. We rarely talked in those days."
Charles passed Cyrus some food.
Charles said, "Do you believe in the rebellion?"
"Now I do. The black mages are evil. The emperor is corrupt."
Charles said, "I hope we destroyed the dam in time."
Cyrus nodded.
After they ate, Cyrus and Charles set out to travel to Druthic. A large river filled with trees, bushes and debris floated in the water's wake. They walked in silence enjoying the sun’s warmth. Cyrus looked at his Familiar and decided to name it Reza. Sounds fitting he thought. He opened his sack and touched the Rathraka. The imprint of the tower was embossed on its features. He was a renegade and now a rebel. He wanted Meza to tell him what to do. Meza was his guide and now he was gone.
The path was easy to follow. They saw Druthic’s walls and embattlements from their vantage point. The sun was setting and they decided to wait until the next day to travel the last league. The river flowed in front of the city.
Charles suggested, "I can make a boat."
"Yes, but we do not have any tools," Cyrus said
"We should get some rest and figure a way to enter the city tomorrow," Charles said.
They slept out in the open next to a large fire. Cyrus summoned Reza to look over them while they slept. As he looked at the night’s sky, he saw the twin moons and drifted into sleep. Images flashed before him and he stood again on a chasm.
A dark figure appeared and said, "Choose."
A path brightened and stopped at a scene of him seated next to a beautiful lady with a crown on her brow. Cyrus was a king and she was his queen. He wanted to walk on this path but the scene changed to a gathering of villagers yelling and cursing. They were saying "Kill Cyrus. Kill the Drakus Vinnikai."
The dark figure said, "You are destined to rule or be condemned because you are a Drakus Vinnikai."
Cyrus said, "I choose neither path."
The dark figure said. "So be it."
The dark figure exploded.
He yelled. He felt strong arms pushing him upwards.
"Cyrus wake up!" Charles said.
He opened his eyes. Reza was changing into different colors and spinning around the campsite.
"I’m awake."
"You screamed and your Familiar went crazy," Charles said.
"Reza, I am fine," he said.
Reza stopped its frantic movements.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Charles said.
"No, I do not remember anything. It doesn't matter; it was only a dream."
He noticed the sun was in the horizon and started to his things together. They had a light breakfast and kept on walking south. Trees and large pieces of dirt were thrown along the shore. They stayed clear of the treacherous shoreline. At this spot, Cyrus saw Druthic's walls were torched and dead men were scattered along the ramparts. They couldn’t tell if anybody was alive.
Charles called a halt and pointed to a nearby bush to hide. Cyrus rushed. He heard the sound of a boat. He saw a group of arm men patrolling the lakeshore. They looked wearily into the bushes and yelled, "We know you are hiding. We saw you traveling. Come out."
Charles stood up and walked into the clearing. The armed men tensed and the archers almost shot their arrows. They relaxed when Charles said, "My name is Charles. Darrin’s comrade. Come out, Cyrus, we are among friends."
The Shade let everybody out of their jail cell. Hundreds of bedraggled people walked out to freedom. Many were so tired, they could not stand. Narah looked around and organized the healthy prisoners to help the handicapped.
A man said, "What gives you the
right to boss us around?"
Narah said, "Nobody has to do what I say, but if you were crippled, would you want to stay within these walls?"
The man helped the handicap people walk. Before she left the prison, Narah already had looked at the supplies. The guards didn’t leave them much. She found some armor and weapons. They were in good condition. She armed herself and waited while the prisoners left.
Rachel came up to her and said, "Thank you. We would have died a terrible death in there."
The Shade nodded and walked out of the front gates. She felt relieved and looked at the building in which she was held. She turned away and saw several people waited for her.
An old man said, "Mistress, we are in your debt. Who are you?"
Narah was about to speak when Rachel said, "I know who you are. You are the Shade."
A gasp escaped from the people surrounding the old man.
"How do you know of me?"
Rachel said, "You saved my mother from a band of heartless rapists. My mom described you well. She remembers your mask."
The Shade said to the group before her, "What do you ask of me?"
Rachel said, "We want you to become our leader."
"Your leader?"
"Yes," Rachel said, "there are many people here who are part of the resistance. We can help you with your leadership."
Narah almost laughed. She was speechless for a moment and said, "I cannot decide right now. We need to find the nearest town."
A young man came out of the crowd of people. He said, "Southeast from here is a city by the coast. I think it is about several leagues."
She pondered and said, "Anywhere closer?"
Nobody said a word. Narah said, "All right, we will head to this city. What is your name?"
"Good to meet you. You shall be our guide."
The group started to walk following him. Narah was tired but didn’t want to stop. She wanted to get far away from the prison. She believed everybody felt the same way. As they walked, other prisoners watched her group moving southeast. More people started following them.
Darrin sat with the rest of his senior staff. They were happy but were a little despondent when they heard the reports. Many of their men were either dead or missing. They decided to gather the remaining enemy soldiers and place them in the prison. Next, they planned the cleanup of the city. Everything smelled of dampness and decay. The sun overhead evaporated most of the moisture but the dead started to rot. Darrin stood up and looked through his window. He heard a group of cheers. A crowd of people started forming at the entrance to the city.