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The Darkness Binds Page 22
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Page 22
"General," a boy said while coming inside the headquarters, "Charles is back."
Darrin smiled and said, "Well, we shall give him a hero’s welcome!"
Darrin and his senior staff walked out of the room and followed the young boy. He saw Charles standing with another man.
"You’re alive! Who is this next to you?"
Charles said, "Its Cyrus Boric. He helped me defeat the royal soldiers and open the dam. But we have bad news."
"Wait. I do not want to discuss this here. First, you need some food."
After Cyrus and Charles had a bath and a change of clothes, they met Darrin at a banquet room near the middle of the city. Several large tables were laid out. This banquet room was not touched by the flood. Every chair was crowded with Darrin’s men. They yelled a cheer when Charles and Cyrus entered. Sweet incense perfumed the hall.
Charles and Cyrus sat next to him. In front of them were all sorts of food: hot steaming bread, roasted chicken, pudding and warm ale. Charles and Cyrus ate in earnest. Darrin wondered how they survived.
Darrin said, "We were lucky the food warehouses were waterproof. Whoever built this city knew what they were doing."
Charles commented, "Dwarven craftsmanship."
"What is the bad news?"
"Meza died while helping us."
He sighed and said, "He shall be missed. Meza was a worthy friend. Cyrus, how did you join with our band of Freedom Fighters?"
Cyrus was about to say something but Charles said, "Wait."
Darrin said, "I have some good news. We captured Captain Mercer."
Charles said, "Good news, indeed."
Barthrow said, "Are you sure this is acceptable?"
The emperor looked at his soldiers. Most of them were from the Prison Mines. They looked out of shape and ill kept.
He said, "They will do."
The soldiers in front of them shifted nervously.
"How many do we have?" the emperor asked.
"We have around one hundred soldiers."
The emperor smiled. He thought one hundred demon warriors were more than enough to destroy Darrin and his fellow saboteurs.
He said, "Send them away."
The soldier shuffled out of the main audience chamber. The emperor watched them go. These men were not quality soldiers, but they would suffice.
Barthrow said, "We will have to get more children."
"Take them all."
The first few days after their escape, they didn’t have enough food or water. Narah had people foraging for food. Her small band of followers swelled to a large group of fellow inmates. Philip led them closer to the ocean. The smell of fresh salty air was a better aroma than the prison mines.
Narah had to be careful. Some of the prisoners were cutthroats, thieves and murderers. They stopped for the night. Large bonfires kept most of the people warm. Narah estimated she had mostly women, older men and a sprinkle of younger men. She hoped the caravan of people would survive under her care. She didn’t know how she became their leader. She felt she needed to help these people because they suffered under the emperor’s regime. She even pondered if they would kill her if they discovered her true identity. People began to shout.
Rachel said, "We better see what is happening."
Narah rushed to the clamoring of voices. When she entered into the light of the fires, the voices hushed.
The Shade said, "What is happening here?"
An old man said, "My lady, I was trying to eat my food when this man took it."
The old man indicated a tall ogre of a man who stood amid the crowd of people.
"Is this true?" the Shade said.
The large man said, "I was hungry. I needed more to eat."
The large man was dressed almost in rags. He also had a large scar on the right side of his face.
The Shade said, "Nobody will steal food here."
The large man towered over her. "I do what I like."
Narah was not scared of this man, these types of men ruled by intimidation. She saw the old man’s food in the maw of the big man’s hand.
"Give it back," the Shade said.
The big man started to eat the old man’s chicken. Narah grabbed the food out of the big man's hand.
"What?" the big man said looking at Narah. The Shade waited until the man rushed to her and used her Diten energy through her body into her palms. The big man fell backwards. She barely even touched him. The big man sat and his eyes were wide and his mouth was opened in an "O."
"Now," the Shade said, "here is your food."
She deftly gave it back to the old man. People stepped away from her.
"If I catch you," Narah said to the big man, "trying to take anybody else’s food without their consent, I will hunt you down and break all your bones."
The big man nodded. The Shade walked away. Narah hated to show her abilities, but she needed to show them she was their leader.
After dinner, Cyrus was so tired he couldn’t keep his eyes open but Charles told him they had more to discuss with Darrin. Cyrus followed him out of the hall. They walked into a large building. Darrin was already waiting for them. They followed him up a flight of stairs to a room filled with maps. Several windows showed the whole view of the city. Cyrus felt a knife behind his back.
"Cyrus do not move or cast a spell," Charles said.
He was stunned and said, "What?"
"We give the questions and you the answers," Darrin said. "What did I give the princess on her fifteenth birthday?"
"I can’t remember. Wait, you gave her a pair of daggers with her name engraved on them."
The knife was still on his back.
Charles said, "He did help us. However, if he is a Drakus Vinnikai mage, we should just get rid of him."
Cyrus said, "Darrin you know it is me. I know you taught me your fighting techniques."
Charles said, "I think he is telling the truth."
Darrin said, "Drakus Vinnikai mages are dangerous."
"Darrin, I am not an imposter. I didn’t know I had magic until just a few months ago."
Darrin said, "Drakus Vinnikai mages are extinct just like dragons. Cyrus, how did you receive your powers?"
"I don't know."
Darrin looked at Cyrus and shook his head. He lowered the knife. He said, "Sorry, Cyrus, but the legend of the Drakus Vinnikai are so frightening."
"I know. Meza told me."
Darrin asked, "Are you sure you are a Drakus Vinnikai?"
"No, I am not sure of anything. I have just learned my real father was a Drakus mage."
Darrin said, "The last time, there was Drakus Vinnikai was one hundred years ago during the dark wars. My own people have scrolls, which date back during those turbulent times."
Cyrus retold his story about the Necromage and the Haunted Forest. He showed them the Rathraka and told them about the adventures in the Forbidden caves and cursed city. The tale spilled from him. Charles heard most of the story before and didn’t say anything. He needed somebody else to listen and believe him.
Darrin said, "I’m not sure I believe your whole story. However, you mention a group of warriors you met in the Forbidden caves."
"Yes, they were a strange group of individuals."
Darrin paused and said, "These individuals were looking for a cure for a plague?"
"Yes," he said. "I found a temporary antidote."
"These people are from my home country."
Cyrus was stunned. Darrin was telling him something about his past, which few knew. Charles also looked stunned.
"I believe you, Cyrus." Darrin said. He looked out the window. He looked lost in his thoughts for a few minutes.
"I have to leave tomorrow. I have to find the Drakus Vinnikai towers."
Darrin said, "You have to do what you believe in. Nevertheless, if we had you on our side, we could win the war."
He shook his head and said
, "I cannot control my powers. I will be more of a hindrance. I might even kill some of your people."
Charles said, "Sir, I think I need to help him find the towers."
"Charles, I’m not sure. Maybe you need to think about this," Meza said.
Cyrus looked at Charles and said, "You do not have to do this. I know Meza was your friend, but you are part of the revolution and should stay here."
"Meza believed in you and I also do."
"Charles, I have not trained you."
"We can train after I come back."
Cyrus walked a few feet and said, "Darrin what is your next step in the revolution?"
"We had a great victory but there are many things I need to do. Cyrus, you need to keep your powers secret. If anybody knew you were claiming to be Drakus Vinnikai, you would be dead."
Cyrus said, "I know."
Captain Mercer sat in the jail cell, which smelled faintly of rust and water. He was stripped of his armor and weapons and was given a wool robe to wear. He was treated well and was given adequate food. He clenched his fist. How did Darrin Masters destroy the whole royal army? Darrin had always been a wily adversary but what occurred was truly a marvel. He wished he died with his men instead of being jailed in this cell. He would not give these rebels any information. If he had another chance, he would seek vengeance and destroy Darrin and his murderous rebels.
Captain Mercer examined every crevice and corner looking for a way to escape this blasted city. He spent most of his time sleeping and thinking of vengeance. The shadows lengthened. A plate clattered through the bottom of his cell door. It was shoved through with such force that his drink spilled on the floor. He stared at his plate.
"You better eat that," a voice said.
He looked out of his small cell and didn’t see anybody lurking in the jail.
"You need your rest if you are going to escape," the voice said.
"Do not taunt me," he said. "There is no way to escape."
"We shall see." A figure materialized in front of him. The figure wore a black robe and he couldn’t see any of the person’s features.
"Who are you?" Captain Mercer demanded.
"That does not matter. I will help you escape. In exchange, I want you to destroy the rebel, Darrin Masters."
"Yes, I will."
He ate his dinner. The figure moved to a dark corner.
Captain Mercer said, "How am I going to escape?"
"Open your cell door."
It opened. The rusted door made a loud noise while it unlocked.
"The guards will come," Captain Mercer said.
"Do not worry," the dark figure said.
Nobody came to investigate. Captain Mercer moved into the corridor. He saw a guard sleeping by the doorway. Captain Mercer walked swiftly by him. He walked the remaining prison in silence. All the guards were asleep. The dark figure was always ahead of him. They stopped at a small supply room.
The figure said, "Get your armor and weapons."
He hastily put on his clothes and weapons. He didn’t make any sound for fear of the guards waking.
"Follow me," the dark figure said.
They went outside through a maze of alleyways and deserted streets. After a few minutes, they past the front gate of the city. The dark figure disappeared. Captain Mercer ran to the nearest boat. He untied the rope and jumped inside the small vessel. He rowed upstream edging closer to the shore across the lake. He rowed until his muscles ached. The boat slid onshore with a thud. Captain Mercer jumped to the ground. He ran north to the capital.
Narah’s group made it to the beach where the ocean pounded along the coastline. Several of the men fashioned fishing poles with parts of their clothing and tree limbs. Later, the smell of cooking fish pervaded the air. Narah sat amid her group on a sat of large boulders watching the waves. She never saw the coast before. She only travelled to large cities and castles. She was angry. Her uncle, the emperor, squandered his power by overworking these people. He wanted to build ivory palaces and castles with the sweat of these citizens. If she ever got back to being a princess, she will never lose sight of her own citizens-the common blood of Rowan Empire. The common people were the real power and not the royal crown. She thought her life before was just a shadow, and now she was finally waking to reality.
Narah heard somebody moving behind her. She expected to see Rachel or even Philip. But it was the large brute who stole the food from the old man. She stood up.
He held his hands up and said, "Mistress, I am here to have some words with you."
Narah waited.
He said, "My name is Brutan. I was a mercenary for hire before I was imprisoned. I always took what I wanted and nobody ever challenged me. You have shown me honor. I ask you to be in your service."
Brutan kneeled before her. Narah didn’t know what to make of this.
She said, "I am not a great leader. How can you be of service to me?"
"I will serve in you any way I can."
She smiled to herself and said, "You have to obey my commands."
"I will obey. I will be just few yards from you. I will watch over you."
"Thank you. Get yourself something to eat from the cooks."
Brutan nodded and lumbered away. Narah wanted to chuckle. She didn’t need a bodyguard. However, she felt Brutan wanted to serve her in any capacity. It was nearing mid-afternoon and Narah didn’t know what to do with the large group of people. She turned away from the ocean and looked at the ragtag group. She sighed. Brutan stood still as a rock as he ate his food while looking at the crowd. Rachel came strolling up to the boulder. Brutan stopped her.
Narah yelled, "Brutan, Rachel is a friend. Let her pass."
Rachel said while getting closer to her, "Why is he here?"
"He wanted to serve me. I couldn’t say no."
"Mistress, we have some sick people."
Narah said, "Philip has told me that the village is close. We should be able to reach there in a day’s travel."
"They cannot travel the distance."
"Show me these ailing people."
Rachel led the way down the small bluff. Narah and Brutan followed. They ventured a few yards away from the encampment. A roaring bonfire had been erected. Narah heard moaning. A few people lay around the fire, and a girl was administering cool water to the sick.
Rachel said, "Mistress Shade, you remember Lorraine."
Lorraine’s eyes got large as saucers and nodded to Narah. Lorraine skirted away to another person. She placed a cool compress on a little boy. Narah stared at the little kid. He was shivering. Bright scarlet patches spotted his face and hands. Narah nodded to Rachel to follow her.
Narah said, "What type of illness is this?"
Rachel said, "I have seen my share of illnesses at the prison. One of my duties was to tend the sick. But these people have something I have never seen before."
"When did they get sick?"
"They all fell ill yesterday."
"Is there an herbalist or doctor here?"
"I already asked around. We don’t have a doctor. Only Lorraine and I have been trained as nurses," Rachel said.
"Do not tell anybody about this. We do not want people to get scared."
"The sick need attention right now."
Narah thought it over and said, "Rachel can Lorraine tend to these people by herself?"
"Yes, but she also needs some rest."
"Well, she will not be here alone. Brutan you will guard over these people and help Lorraine." She turned to Brutan. "You will be responsible while I am gone. Do not disappoint me."
Brutan’s face was concerned. "Mistress, I want to go with you. However, I will do as you wish. I will take charge and keep the peace."
"You are honorable, Brutan. Lorraine and I will leave tonight."
After they had dinner, Narah asked Philip for directions. She told Philip to help Brutan while she was away. For protection, Narah took h
er sword and Lorraine her walking stick. They set off due south. Phillip explained the village was along the shore about half a league from their camp. They should reach the village by morning.
They walk along the cliffs. The two moons shone over their path and gave enough light to travel by. Narah still carried a torch just in case. She didn’t want them to fall. Narah stopped near a large plateau. The sea air ruffled their clothes and flickered the lamps.
"We will rest here for a minute," Narah said.
Rachel was breathless and she just nodded.
Narah surveyed her area. They had adequate space in case a bandit attacked them.
"Why did you want me to go with you?" Rachel said. "Few people have heard of me out here. I might scare them with my mask."
"Sorry, I never thought of that. Mistress, can I know your first name?"
"Just call me Mistress or the Shade."
Rachel said, "When I get to the village, I will just call you mistress."
"Are you ready?"
They traversed along the shore break. They kept moving, taking frequent breaks. When the sun started to peek along the horizon, Narah spotted a group of shacks located next to a small jutting pier. A group of fishermen was preparing to leave on small boats. She also smelled pastries, which made her mouth water.
They walked out in the open, so the villagers could see them coming. As they approached closer to the town, the fishermen dropped their nets and started to walk toward them. They stopped at a distance.
One burly fisherman said, "Do not come any closer. What do you want?"
Rachel said, "We seek a doctor or herbalist."
The burly man said, "Why do you need a doctor?"
Narah said, "That is none of your business."
"Why do you wear the mask, stranger? Do you have some sickness?"
"No, I am not sick. I am the Shade."
"I do not know you. Stay away."