The Darkness Binds Page 8
"The Shade told me about it," the princess said.
"You know the Shade?"
"We are friends. She is my eyes and ears outside the castle."
She led Cyrus to a long table next to the emperor’s throne. The emperor gazed at Cyrus with hatred and then smiled. Cyrus almost didn’t believe he saw the look the emperor gave him. The princess sat and motioned for Cyrus to sit next to her. Wine stewards filled their glasses.
Cyrus said, "I cannot understand why the emperor would not have his royal magistrates investigate these murders. If you were the queen you would help me."
"When I marry Prince Kraven, I will be the Queen of Fantuar Kingdom. I cannot help you here."
"Do you want to marry Prince Kraven?" Cyrus asked.
"It is not a matter if I want to. It is my duty," the princess said.
"Forget about duty. Follow your heart," he said.
"Cyrus, we have been over this a dozen times. I am a princess of the Rowan line. My dad would agree."
Cyrus was so intent in his conversation, he didn’t realize a dozen soldiers approached him with their swords drawn.
A black robed mage said, "Princess, move away from him. He is a murderer and he has conspired against the crown."
Cyrus stood up and looked at the soldiers. A lone soldier took the princess away.
"I am no murderer!" Cyrus said.
"We know you killed those children," the Mage said.
The royal guards bound him in chains.
Cyrus was led down another part of the castle into the depths underneath. The air was filled with the dampness of a lake. He was ushered into a large room made of stone and cold marble. The emperor and a group of black mages stood upon a platform. The guards pushed Cyrus forward. He was too dazed to say anything.
"Cyrus," the emperor said, "You were summoned here not to answer for your crimes."
"I am innocent."
"We have soldiers who said you killed a child," the emperor said.
"You will be taken to a secret area. I will take your power," the emperor said softly.
Cyrus understood. The emperor and his spies knew the magic he possessed. His magic was coming forth. He was knocked unconscious.
He awoke in a prison cart. His fate was sealed when he entered the capital. He tried to bring forth his power. The prison bars glowed. His magic failed him. He was lightheaded. He tried to sit up but slumped back.
A black mage said, "Stay down."
Cyrus tried to speak but nothing came out. He lay slumped against the bottom of the cage. He tried again to beckon his magic but his head hurt and his thoughts went astray. The cart thundered down the streets. He couldn’t tell where he was being led. With a jolt, they stopped.
A black mage said, "You there, move out of the way. We are on official business for the crown."
Cyrus saw a person dressed in black. He held onto the bars to get a better look. It was the Shade. He felt a blast of magic. A flash of lightning split the streets. The sound was deafening. The Shade was too quick and dodged the deadly projectiles. The mage haphazardly threw spells. The royal guards scattered at the onslaught of magic. The Shade was nowhere in sight. The mage scanned his surroundings. She snuck behind him, struck a blow to the mage, and followed up with a kick to his head. The mage flew backwards and hit a wall. The Shade came up to the cage and kicked the lock. It shattered.
"Come," the Shade said.
He couldn’t stand. She picked him up and helped him out.
She said, "You have been drugged. You will recover in a few hours. I will take you to your friends."
She lifted him and ran down the street. He heard sounds of armored men coming toward them. The Shade lithely jumped into the highest building. Cyrus’s weight didn't slow her down. He was amazed how fast she moved. He caught a glimpse of the city at night. It was breathtaking.
Meza was busy at Jacob’s Tavern talking to his contacts in the resistance. He heard news that Darrin and his top commanders were almost captured. Somehow, Darrin escaped.
Meza said, "Is this news correct?"
"Yes, he was betrayed by Eamos. Nobody knows where Darrin is hiding," Jacob said.
"Without Darrin, there will no leadership for the resistance. He practically started the whole Freedom Fighter group."
Jacob said, "I would kill Eamos."
He said, "He knows everything. What can be done?"
"There is some hope. Darrin is still alive," Jacob said.
A knock sounded at the door. Jacob stood up and went to the entrance. Meza grabbed a pint of ale and took a long drink.
"Meza have you heard about Cyrus?" Jacob asked. “We need to find him. He has just been accused of murder.”
They ran out the door and toward the Whisper Inn. They entered the hotel. They burst into the room. Nobody was there.
"We must have missed him," Meza said.
"The Royal Ball has already started an hour ago," Jacob said.
The Shade came in carrying Cyrus.
She said, "You need to hide him. The Royal soldiers will come looking for him here."
She placed Cyrus onto the bed. Meza and Jacob were dumbfounded.
The Shade said, "Cyrus is drugged by magical potions. He will recover in a few days. I think haste is in order."
Jacob and Meza picked up Cyrus. His skin felt warm and feverish.
Jacob said, "We will take him to the tavern."
Meza nodded and turned to the Shade to thank her, but she was gone.
Cyrus awoke seeing blurry images before him. He tried to get up but everything spun.
He said, "Where am I?"
"Do not worry. You are safe," Meza said.
"Where’s the Shade?"
"She left."
"You know who she is?" he said.
"No. She does not like the emperor and that is good enough for me. You must know her," Meza said.
"I have never met her. Yet, there is something about her."
"How do you feel?" Meza asked.
"I’m exhausted."
"We have to get you out of the capital," Meza said.
"No, I must stay and find out who is responsible for the murders," he said.
"Have it your way. I will send a message to the Freedom Fighters for help in this matter."
"I cannot believe the emperor believes I did the murders. I can plead to the emperor. He must understand I am not this monster," Cyrus said.
Meza said, "You are a fool."
He drifted off into sleep.
Charles and his two companions entered the Forest of Lear. They left the enemy a few leagues behind them. Charles’s mind mused when he first met Darrin. Charles's dad was arrested for conspiring against the crown. Charles barely escaped when the royal soldiers took his father. Darrin arrived with a squad of sentries looking for him. He was still the captain of the Royal guards at that time. Charles ran and hid in an alleyway. Darrin found him and blocked the entrance. There was no escape.
Darrin said, "Come out. I know you are there. I will not harm you."
Charles charged at him. Darrin knocked him aside.
"My dad is not a traitor," he said.
"Charles, I will not arrest you. Here are some gold pieces. Leave before anybody finds you. There is something wrong here in the capital," Darrin said.
Charles took the money and left. Years later Darrin found him again and asked him to join the Freedom Fighter group. Charles thought how chance encounters changed his life. He could have been hanged liked his father, but Darrin saved him. He owed him his life.
A dugo bird chirped his mating song. Charles smelled the earthy soil and felt at peace in the woodland. The sunlight shone through the high canopy of leaves and branches.
"Darrin, should we risk making a small camp fire, tonight? I am sick of eating berries and nuts," Barleth said.
"Charles have you scouted around us?"
Darrin said.
"There is no sign of pursuit. The royal soldiers are still looking for us in the east."
"Ok, but we need to find a sheltered area," Darrin said.
"I know a place when we can hide and build a fire. It is only half a league from here," Charles said.
"Lead on," Darrin said.
They ran through the trees and bushes. A collection of squirrels scampered along the ground. Barleth was wheezing very loudly.
"We better take a break before Barleth falls," Darrin said
"Yes. The area is just over yonder," he said.
Barleth crashed through the bushes and fell to the ground.
He said, "Just give me a few minutes."
Charles eyed Darrin’s weapons. He expected to find some magical runes on it.
"Ask what you want," Darrin said.
"I have never seen any man with your fighting skills."
"I do not like to show anybody my skills. In my homeland, we fight in that manner," Darrin said.
"It was incredible," Charles commented.
Darrin said, "Please do not tell anybody what you have seen."
"You are our leader. I will follow you into battle. I will not tell anybody."
Darrin said, "Some battles cannot be won by brawn or fighting ability."
"I want to learn from you."
"I don’t take apprentices anymore," Darrin said.
He had such anguish in his face that he seemed like a different man.
He said, "You know you can trust me. You asked me to watch over the secret meeting."
"Yes, I know your character," Darrin said.
"You do not have to decide now."
Barleth shakily stood and said, "I am ready."
They found the area a few minutes later. The night rushed in and Charles made a small fire. The shelter was in a low valley of high hills. Trees flanked them. Nobody could see them for leagues. Charles decided to hunt. He trapped and skinned some rabbits for dinner.
Darrin said while chewing his food, "How far are we from Hudric?"
"The city is a league southeast. We could reach it there by the end of tomorrow," Charles said.
"Good. We need the cover of the night to enter the city," Darrin said.
After two days, they arrived near the outskirts of the city of Hudric. Darrin and Barleth stayed in the forest while Charles travelled alone through the front gate. The city connected to the Emerald Bay, which ran into the Oceanic Sea. Darrin explained several ships would be stationed there at this time of the year because of the large thunderstorms out in the coast. Darrin's contact boat should be moored there. Charles needed to be wary because Hudric was known for its cutthroats and pirates. He tensed when he saw royal soldiers watching people coming into the city. Two portly clerics walked in front of him and Charles proceeded to follow right behind. Charles passed through the gate without any problems. The guards hardly took notice of him.
Charles headed toward the docks. He held a small round coin, which he was supposed to show to a merchant named Renoir. The coin was pure gold with an imprint of an unknown man on it. He walked amid the sailors and merchants. He smelled the salty sea air, filled with the scent of fish and pickled pork stew. He wanted to stop and eat, but he knew his comrades where counting on him. A sailor bumped into him.
"Aye, sir, watch where you are going," the sailor said.
Charles faced the person who spoke to him. The man was tall and thin with long peppered hair. One of his eyes was gray, and the other was milky white. When the man spoke Charles saw that most of his front teeth was missing.
He said, "My name is Florent. Are you looking for someone? You are not from around here."
Charles left the man standing on the street. He walked away and did not look back at him. He felt something was wrong with this man. He kept walking down another street and found the entrance to the harbor. He needed to find the tavern called The Pearl of the Sea. Renoir was known to drink there. He found the derelict bar hidden behind a cluster of old warehouses.
Entering the pub, Charles could not see anything at first. The customers sang a robust ditty. At the end of the song, the men struck their flasks on the table. The sailors laughed and drank more ale. Charles went to the barkeep and asked if he knew of a man named Renoir.
The barkeep said, "Hah, you are in luck, sir. The merchant you seek is in the back room. However, you cannot see him unless you have an appointment."
Charles went to the back and saw two burly men standing by a door.
He said, "I wish to speak to Renoir. I have a very important message for him."
"Who are you?" the man said.
"A friend."
"Renoir will not see any person he does not know," the man said.
Charles looked for the coin in his pocket but could not find it.
"Lost something?" the man asked.
"Look I have urgent business with Renoir," Charles said.
"Leave or we will force you to go," the man said.
Charles stepped away and stomped outside. Florent have stolen Darrin's coin. He should have watched what he was doing. Barleth should have gone on this mission instead of him. He weighed his options. He saw the scoundrel, Florent walking toward the dockyard. Charles followed. Florent walked through alleyways and arrived at a tall merchant ship. Charles tried several times to catch up to his prey, but Florent was jumpy and kept looking behind his back. Charles heard the sounds of the water lapping against the ship and the creaking of the worn aged wood.
Charles decided to investigate further. He was skilled as a tracker in the forest but didn’t know how to track a person in a city much less on a ship. He walked upon the gangplank making sure he was not watched. He proceeded below decks and went down a short round of rickety steps. He found himself in a narrow hallway. Light emanated from small floating orbs. This was a rich vessel. Charles heard footsteps. He hastened toward an adjoining hallway hiding in a dark recess. A man holding a lantern appeared and moved toward the hallway where Charles started. Florent was behind this man. Charles watched as they walked past. The door creaked as they opened and closed it. Charles crept out of his hiding place. He held his knife out in front of him and crept down the corridor. Voices from inside the room argued. He couldn’t wrestle the coin from Renoir and his friends. He turned away tracing back where he came.
"Well, what do we have here? Turn around mate," a rough voice said.
Charles was ready to fight but a bright light blinded him.
"Ahh, it’s the man who had the strange golden coin," Florent said.
Charles looked at Florent. More sailors blocked his path. He was led into the room where Florent came from. The room was packed with large wooden boxes and barrels.
"Who are you?" a man said sitting behind a stack of boxes. "Answer me!"
"I am a sailor looking for a new crew," Charles said.
Florent was standing a few feet from him holding a wicked saber.
The voice from behind the crate said, "Where did you get this coin?"
"I found it on a dead sailor," Charles said.
"There are only two in existence. I have one. And another person who would never depart from it," the voice said.
"You must be Renoir," he said.
"Be quiet," Renoir hissed. "Royal spies have been looking for me. Who are you?"
"I am Charles Victor, a tracker with the Freedom Fighters. I was given this coin to find you. We need your help."
Renoir came out behind the boxes, "Is Darrin safe?"
"Yes, luckily we escaped," he said.
"Thank the gods. I also have great news. The Freedom Fighters struck a blow to the emperor. They captured Druthic and now it is under our control."
"That is great news indeed," Charles said.
"I am leaving tonight to the bay leading to Druthic. If Darrin wants to sail with us, meet me here at midnight. Make haste. The man who is playing my double might be discovered tonight," Renoir said.
r /> CHAPTER 17
"Did you meet Renoir?" Darrin said.
"Yes. He told me the Freedom Fighters have taken Druthic," Charles said while looking into the fire. "And that he was leaving tonight to the city. He wants us to join him."
"What did he look like?" Darrin said.
"Renoir was tall and he squinted a lot."
Darrin stood and looked into the night and said, "He is a very careful man."
"Should we go with him? Is it a trap?" Barleth said.
Darrin said, "I am not sure. Was there a man named Florent with him? He looks sly and dangerous."
"Florent was there," Charles said. He decided not to tell him Florent stole his coin.
"You trusted me. I do not feel any malice when I talked to him," Charles said. "Besides if there was a trap, they could have just followed me here."
"True, but I just do not know anymore," Darrin said.
Charles said, "We can trust them."
Darrin said, "I hope you are right."
"They showed me a secret path to get into the city," Charles said.
They set off in the dark keeping to the shadows. The cities walls emerged ahead. The smell of the ocean was prevalent in the air. The sea breeze chilled their bones. A haze shrouded the area. They hid behind bushes, stopping every so often. The royal guard’s fires punctuated through the thick fog. Nothing stirred.
"We are almost there," Charles said. "We will enter the sewage tunnel and come into the city."
They walked around a small hill hidden far away from the wall. Charles spotted a large round tunnel inlaid with stone and bricks. Refuge, dirt and slime spilled out. Charles went to the side of the channel and grabbed a hidden torch.
"Ready," Charles said.
They stepped carefully into the maw of the sewer. The smell was nauseating. Charles didn't light the lamp until they were a few yards inside. The torch illuminated a small passage. The walls were slick with water. Barleth splash behind him.
"Shh," Charles said.
Darrin asked, "How long until we get into the city?"
"When we hear the rats, then we are getting closer," Charles said.
Barleth said, "Rats?"
Charles said, "Do not worry. They will not eat you. They have enough food down here."