The Darkness Binds Page 17
Cyrus said, "Thank you."
Meza felt Cyrus summon his Familiar. Meza said to Cyrus, "Be careful. I do not trust these people."
Cyrus said, "I felt the same way about you when we started to travel together."
"I know. However..." Meza said.
Rom said, "Hurry, Rulf wanted to reach the outskirts in a few hours."
"Outskirts?" Meza said.
Meza nodded and followed the others. Cyrus followed. Meza sighed and wondered if Cyrus was correct in trusting these strangers.
For a whole day, they heard the sounds of men shouting and screaming. Charles wanted to leap away and help defend the front gates. Flin pointed out that they were close to finding a discovery, and they should keep forging ahead. Charles read a history of Druthic’s victories from invaders. The device they found below was not actually described in any detail, but kept being referred to as winning their battles. There was even a section of rituals and incantations, which didn’t make any sense to him. He sighed and kept on reading.
Most of the words were written in an old language. He read phrases, which he just didn’t comprehend. They talked at length discussing what they read and tried to piece together how the device worked. They understood the machine opens the nearby dam flooding the battlefield, killing the invaders. Charles wondered if it still worked. They both stared at each other and ran toward the stairs leading down. The wind was still shrilling from the collapse tunnel and torrents of dust were flung upon the walls. They darted up toward the strange lever.
Flin said, "Should we pull this lever down?"
Charles said, "We should try. If this device works, this battle will be over."
Charles grabbed the lever and pulled downwards as hard as he could. The lever easily moved. They didn’t hear anything.
Flin said, "According to the book, a loud booming noise will be followed by the sound of rushing horses, or I believe water."
"Maybe, it doesn’t work," Charles said.
Flin grabbed the lever and was about to pull it upwards, when the whole mechanism fell apart.
"I was not expecting that," Flin said.
"Let’s go outside and checked if anything happened," Charles said.
They ran out of the library and toward the front walls. A raging battle ensued. They didn’t see any rushing waters engulfing the royal army. Flin shook his head. Charles quickly grabbed Flin and pushed him down before an arrow flew by his head.
"Thank you," Flin said.
"The device is broken," Charles said.
They moved into a safer area.
Flin said, "We were so close."
"There must be another way."
"Why don’t we open the dam ourselves," Flin said.
"Yes, there must be another lever there."
"No way, I was just thinking out loud," Flin said.
Charles said, "That is a great idea! We’d better tell Darrin."
They found Darrin standing with his commanders. The battle was not going well. Darrin’s face was grim. Charles looked at the battle and saw the royal army swarming in front of the walls. The defenders were gallantly destroying any enemy ladders being erected.
Darrin said, "Charles, I hope you have some good news. We are barely holding our ground."
"We did find something. There is a lever which connects to the dam a few leagues north from here," Charles said. "This device will open the gates and let out all the water and destroy whoever is in the field around them. Except we tried and it doesn’t work."
Darrin shook his head and said, "It must have been a brilliant piece of machinery. I wished it worked."
Charles said, "I have an idea. It is a slim chance. I think I can open the dam if I go there."
Darrin said, "It would be dangerous, and I do not have any men to spare."
"I will go alone."
Darrin pondered and said, "Are you sure you can open the doors of the dam?"
"Yes, I believe so."
"This is your choice." Darrin said. "I think I know a way to get you through the enemy’s lines."
Traveling with these strangers, Cyrus felt secure. Rulf reminded him of Darrin, the former leader of the royal elite guards. Rulf had an air about him, which commanded respect.
Rulf said, "My family is one of the principle families, which rules my kingdom."
Cyrus said, "Meza referred to you as a monk. Is that true?"
"I was."
Cyrus was about to ask more of an explanation, but he walked away.
Rom said, "He does not like to talk about his past. He was a Strathick monk. He left the order to find the cure for the plague and a lost master."
Cyrus said, "Who is this lost master?"
"A member of one of the twelve families who is here in exile," Rom said.
They walked in silence for a league. Cyrus shivered. A fresh breeze of air filled their space.
"The forgotten city is half a league from here," Rom said.
The tunnel ended a few feet from them. Beyond the cave was a large open basin. Above, a large hole was cut from the crater’s wall. The night's sky poked through. Trees and shrubbery littered the floor and far away, buildings scattered amid the foliage. They took the path leading downwards.
"We thought you didn’t know where you were heading?" Meza asked.
Rom said, "Yes and no. The oracle told us to find the Forgotten City and talk to the sphere."
Cyrus heard sounds of birds and animals. Insects buzzed. Eareth brushed off the annoying pests. Grath scanned the darkness.
Cyrus said, "Meza, do you feel something odd?"
Meza nodded a yes.
Rulf said, "It is the curse."
Meza said, "What else are you hiding from us?"
Rulf said, "The curse is only for the dead."
"Tell us about the forgotten city," Cyrus said.
"It was destroyed in the Protriat wars," Rulf said.
They travelled downwards until they reached the bottom. It was hard to see in the darkness of the forest. Cyrus breathed in the clean air. They stop and made camp. Grath and Rom looked for firewood.
Meza sat next to Cyrus and said, "I think this is Shizan, the cursed mountain."
"Are you sure?"
Meza said, "I think so."
They warmed their hands on the fire. Meza sat looking into the wilderness.
Meza said, "I do not like this. I feel trapped."
Cyrus stared around him. He thought, for an instant, he saw something at the edge of his vision.
Meza said, "Can you feel it? Something evil is surrounding this forest."
"You are just tired from the journey," Cyrus said.
Rulf said, "I will take the first watch."
Meza nodded and fell asleep. Cyrus lay down and closed his eyes. Cyrus awoke, hearing some strange noises. He tried to stand up, but he fell asleep again.
The sun stroked his face. Cyrus opened his eyes and felt the wind brushing against his hands. He was on top of a building overlooking the forgotten city. He jumped to his feet. Gingerly, he walked to the edge and peered out. Stairs were lined on all sides. Grass and broken tiles were scattered along the ground. He didn’t know how he got here and why. He was about to yell for Meza, when he saw something stirring down in the ruins. He couldn’t make it out. Cyrus crouched on his hands and knees. He gazed into the street and shattered walls.
Rumbling creatures shuffled in the shadows. They were humanlike but with grotesque features. Cyrus’s skin felt cold. He remembered the odd sensation when they entered the forest. The feeling was stronger here. He didn’t move or breathe. He crawled back. His legs hit something. He almost yelped. He turned and saw a large pedestal with a glowing sphere perched on top. It glowed in different brilliant colors. Cyrus’s Familiar appeared and they looked like twins. They shined the same colors.
Cyrus heard in his mind a voice. "Drakus Vinnikai, I have been waiting a long time for yo
He stood up and said, "What?"
"I am the Familiar of Drakus Zantos. I have brought you here to tell you about the prophecy. My name is Zeelin," the sphere said.
"Zeelin, what happened here?"
"Mage Baltin and its inhabitants are undead creatures neither dying nor living," Zeelin said.
"Where are my companions?"
"Safe, near the outskirts of the city," Zeelin said.
"We came here for the cure for the plague," he said.
"I know. You are the only the person who could find the cure. I can give you a formula, which will stop the plague from spreading, but not a cure for the people who already have the disease. Do you have the Rathraka?" Zeelin said.
"The Prophecy has begun. You are the last of the Drakus Vinnikai. You will be either a savior or destroyer. Heed this warning. It is your destiny," Zeelin said.
"What destiny? I am nobody."
Zeelin said, "Look below this pedestal. You will find the spell for the tonic."
"How do I get this Rathraka out of my chest?" Cyrus said.
"Recall the talisman," Zeelin said.
Zeelin started to spin faster changing into different shapes. Cyrus didn’t know what to do. A high pitch noise was heard. Cyrus fell. He sat dumbfounded. Cyrus heard thunder and Zeelin broke into a thousand pieces and disappeared. Cyrus tried to summon his Familiar, but it wouldn't appear. He crouched next to the pedestal and felt around. The pedestal was made of granite and didn’t seem to have any hidden compartments. Cyrus looked in each side and didn’t find anything. He walked along the other side looking for anything.
Nothing made sense. He didn’t want to know the implications the prophecy. How could he be a savior or destroyer? Even with the sunlight, the city was cold and dark. He heard something flapping in the wind and saw a scroll near the floor. He stuffed the parchment into his tunic. Cyrus heard a voice. It was Meza calling for him through his mind. He didn’t know how to respond. Cyrus closed his eyes and mentally spoke to Meza and told him he was in the city. Meza’s voice stopped.
A rattling noise was coming from behind him. It was one of the scrambling creatures. The beast was tall and it wore clothes. It was void of humanity. The face was a nightmare. The creature started coming to him. More creatures followed. Each was holding hideous weapons. It was a parade of grotesque monsters come to life. Cyrus had no choice. He willed forth his magic. He pointed to the nearest creature and casted a spell. Nothing happened. Panic shot through him. He tried to run away but the creatures surrounded him. He frantically looked for some type of weapon. He backed into the pedestal.
"Heeha!" a voice said.
Cyrus looked up and saw Eareth flying toward him holding a wicked pike. He landed next to him and nodded. He bowed toward the creatures and went into a fighter stance. He yelled a war cry. Monsters were cut down. He used his wings as shields and the wing tips were razor sharp. Cyrus saw a beautiful dance of death. Behind Cyrus, he saw more monsters. He backed away and almost stumbled on the remains of the creatures that Eareth cut down. The remains were still moving, animated even after being severed away from their bodies.
He grabbed onto the pedestal. Cyrus’s Familiar appeared and glowed a bright white. The creatures shielded their face from the light. His Familiar soared around them. Eareth took flight. The monsters back off. After a few minutes, the rest of his comrades joined him.
Meza ran towards him. "How did you get here?"
"I will tell you later. I need to speak to Rulf."
Rulf said, "Cyrus did you find the cure?"
"I found a tonic. It will stop the spread of the plague but will not help those who have already been affected."
Rulf nodded and said, "We have to leave now. These monsters will come back. Your Familiar gave us some time."
Cyrus said, "I cannot use my magic."
Rulf said, "Can you wield a weapon?"
Cyrus was given a short sword. They started down the steep steps. His Familiar was becoming faint. The undead creatures started to gather. He held up his weapon.
Charles hoped he could open the dam, as he believed. His instincts told him he could. Even though he studied the books he found, he was not confident. The dike would be guarded by a garrison of royal soldiers, and he hoped the mechanism would be in working order. The books didn't describe the inner workings. It only mentions the device and some ritual.
At the appropriate hour, he looked for Darrin. Charles dressed in a dark leather-scouting outfit. The ancient tome was snug in his pack. He found Darrin at his central headquarters. He had cleared all the tables and had maps posted all over the room. A small group of guards stood at attention. Charles noticed Darrin was also dressed in black.
"Charles, you do not think I would sit idle while you run into the night," Darrin said.
"You cannot go with me."
"I know but I have an idea which will help you escape," Darrin said.
"So what is the actual plan?"
"I will go into the Royal army’s camp," Darrin said.
"You cannot do that."
"Yes, I can. It is the only way you can leave."
He said, "You will be putting yourself in danger. Your people need you here. There must be another way."
Darrin said to his guards, "If you want to protect me, I suggest you wear some dark leather and follow me."
The guards didn’t move.
He said, "You better do what he asked for."
Darrin guards hastily went to their quarters to change into suitable clothing. When his guards came back, Charles said, "Darrin you know you are crazy. You can have somebody else do this."
"Do not worry. I will be fine"
"When will I leave?" Charles said.
"Just wait for my signal."
Darrin and his trio of guards stood in the dark overlooking the plains of the battlefield.
He said, "Stay close behind me and be quiet."
They said, "Yes sir."
Darrin ran toward the east corner of the city’s walls. He scaled a rope down the length of the wall. The half-moons were giving enough light to see the trees. His bodyguards came after. When they were all safely on the ground, the rope was pulled up.
Darrin moved along the enemy’s border of their camp. He saw some royal guards stationed beyond his bowshot. He stopped and detected a sentry in the bushes on his left. Darrin motioned for his guards to wait. He scouted ahead. He saw the sentry hidden in trees and bushes. Darrin didn’t have a clear shot with his bow. He had to do this the hard way. He edged through the trees getting closer to his intended target. The sentry was sleeping. Darrin took out his knife and covered the sentry’s mouth. He took a clean cut on the enemy’s neck severing his vocal cords. The sentry went limp.
Darrin scanned around to see if anybody saw or heard him. He heard another noise. It was a twig breaking. Darrin stood silent. He crouched to the ground. He waited patiently. Another sentry came walking toward him. The sentry saw him. Darrin kicked him in the stomach and gutted him. It was over in a few seconds. Darrin waited for any more sentries. He went back to his guards and motioned them to approach.
They travelled into the enemy’s camp. They first saw fires scattered along the tents. They carefully navigated away from the lights. He headed straight to where the horses were kept. Darrin went to the nearest tent and saw most of the soldiers were sleeping. He snuck inside. It was dark and smelled of leather and sweat. Darrin killed the guards, and his bodyguards killed the rest. Darrin told his men to put on the soldiers armor.
Darrin said, "Keep close to me. Once we are outside, we will walk out in the open."
They left the tent and transverse the camp. They went into the center near the bonfires. Darin nodded to a few royal soldiers lounging near their tent oiling their weapons. Nobody accosted them. The chill of the mist was on their breath. He saw some hastily erected tables. Large casks of ale were on top of this ta
ble. One drunken soldier moved unsteadily toward him.
"Soldiers," the drunken soldier said, "the ale is plentiful. Come join us."
Darrin said, "The commanders want to see us."
The drunken soldier said, "Sorry comrade, you will have to join with us afterwards."
They walked into another direction. Darrin heard the snicker of horses. He stopped and turned toward the noise. Several soldiers were stationed near the entrance of the corral. They looked bored.
"Papers," the royal guards said.
Darrin looked behind the soldier and saw four more guards huddled next to each playing guards on a small crate.
"We are here to relieve you. The commander said you can go now," Darrin said.
"I didn’t hear any of this," the soldier said.
"The ale is strong. It is your reward."
"Drinking does sound good," the royal soldier said. "Hey, I haven’t seen you before."
"We just came from the capital," he said.
"Aye, new recruits, good lads," the royal soldier said.
Darrin said, "Go ahead. We will take it from here." The soldiers stared at Darrin and halted for a second. Darrin’s hand went to his sword. The sounds of the fire and the men playing cards became loud.
The royal guard said, "All right men, let’s go before the ale is gone."
Darrin released his grip on his sword. The soldiers got up from their seat and left.
One of the soldiers said, "Have a good time new recruits."
Darrin watched as the soldiers sauntered away. He waited for a few minutes and said, "Okay. We will place some of this powder on the corral’s gates."
He looked at the horses sleeping. "Place them at the far end and cut the ties of the horses."
Darrin and his group were ready. He opened the entrance and lit some of the powder.
"Run," Darrin said.
An explosion of sheer white brilliance shot up into the night sky. The horses stampeded into the camp.
Charles, from his vantage point, spotted the display exploding into the air. He heard the royal soldiers screaming for cover. It was time for him to leave. Charles went to his designated spot and nodded at the guards to toss over the rope. He climbed down. He discerned several figures barreling toward him.