The Darkness Binds Page 18
"Charles! It’s Darrin. Good luck," he said.
He ran a league to the north. Nobody followed him. He rested in the morning sleeping in a cave. He added several branches and shrubs to disguise his hiding place. He awoke to the sounds of something outside. Charles cautiously peered out. Two royal soldiers pushed and prodded a small cub. The animal cowered in terror. He clenched his fist and crept out. The cub was whimpering. The soldiers kept pinning him with their boots. They didn’t see Charles coming. One soldier fell over with a knife protruding from his knack. Charles’s cut down the other soldier with his sword. He slowly approached the animal. He had some salted pork and gave it to the cub. He glanced around and heard voices. He snatched the cub and ran. The animal didn’t protest. He kept on running throughout the day.
He stopped at night. He was breathless and knelt on a grassy field. He applied a healing salve to the bear’s scratches. It had a round body like a bear but with a dog’s head. He bandaged the cub’s wounds with one of his old shirts. He watched it eat some of his food. The animal fell asleep. Charles needed to get more provisions and left the cub slumbering on the grass.
He found berries a half a league away. When he came back, he found large paw prints. He took out his sword and rushed to the cub. More paw prints lined the ground. Behind him, he heard a shuffling sound and a roar. He turned to find several large bear-dogs staring at him. The small cub was in front of them. For a few seconds, they just stood looking at each other. Charles wanted to flee but he knew these beasts would catch him. He lowered his weapon to the ground. He stepped back. The bear-dogs sniffed the air, took the cub and left. Charles was amazed. He slept comfortably that night. He felt the presence of the bear-dogs watching over him. No animals or enemies troubled him that night.
Cyrus swung his sword at the nearest creature severing it at its waist. He kicked at the monster’s torso sending it tumbling down the stairs. They ran to the ground. More creatures attacked, each time they killed a creature two more appeared. Rom and Meza summoned destructive spells exploding groups of monsters left and right. They ran through the opening. The stench of rotting eggs filled Cyrus’s nose. More zombies chased after them. A creature with leather wings took flight and attacked Eareth. Cyrus tried to call forth his magic, but he still couldn’t. He found himself fighting alone against a sea of creatures. Rulf appeared and repelled them.
"Guardian, stay with me," Rulf said.
Rulf made a path through the cursed monsters and met with their group. Eareth and Grath were knocked unconscious. Meza was nowhere to be seen. Cyrus stood with his sword held out to the monsters. Rulf kept the cursed minions at bay. Cyrus needed to summon his magic now. He closed his eyes and his arcane power rose out of him.
"Mage!" a voice said.
Cyrus looked up and saw a gray-robed figure standing on top of the nearest building. The cursed creatures stopped and moved away from them. He was about to speak but the gray-robed figure said, "Why did you come here? This place is prohibited by your kind."
Rulf stood up and said, "We are here to find the cure for a plague destroying our land."
The robed figure laughed and said, "All you will find here is death. Nothing more!"
"Leave us be!" Rulf said. "We found what we were looking for."
"You can leave if you answer my riddle," he said.
"No," Rom said while casting a spell at the robed figure.
Cyrus saw the spell hit the robed figure but the wizard disappeared. On another building, the robed figure appeared and pointed at him. Rom fell.
"Your powers are weak, druid. What has a thousand limbs and can live for a thousand of years?" the gray-robed figure said.
Rulf said, "You cannot imprison us here. We are not part of this cursed city."
The robed figure said, "There is a person in your group who is responsible." He pointed at Cyrus.
Rulf said, "The fault of his ancestor is not his doing."
"He is responsible," the robed figure said.
Cyrus said, "I know the answer. It is a red wood tree."
The robe figure laughed and said, "Very good, young Drakus mage. However, I will not let you leave."
Meza came toward him. Cyrus relaxed and let his magic encase him. His Rathraka started to get warm and pain shot out of him. The Rathraka floated in front of him, and it shone with a bright light. The cursed creatures hid their faces. Cyrus couldn’t control the flow, and it burst through him. The robed figure stared at him. The light engulfed the whole group. He couldn’t see anything except the light. It shone throughout the whole city and ceased. Cyrus fell. He opened his eyes and all the creatures were gone.
The robed figure was still there and said, "The Prophecy has been fulfilled. Thank you."
The robed figure fell off the building and turned into dust. The city was quiet except the sound of the wind blowing.
Darrin surveyed the battle on top of the walls of the city. Ever since Charles left a few days ago, the royal army only attacked them a few times. Valiantly, Darrin’s group threw the invaders back. Most of the Royal army stayed out of the main battle. This was the beginning of the siege. The smell of the death was overpowering. The dead riddled the front of the city. Birds in hundreds flew overhead and landed to eat the flesh of the corpses. Darrin was always sickened by war, but there are things in this world worth fighting for like freedom from tyranny. He recognized most of the crests on the flags waving in the air. They were the different nobilities and their army. The emperor spared no expense for their annihilation. He saw the banner of the griffin, which stood for Duke Valeran.
Darrin heard trumpets. Another group of soldiers was arriving. He couldn’t see the standard from his vantage point.
Darrin yelled, "Graelin you are half-elven. Can you read the banner of the new group of soldiers?"
"Yes sir. The banner is all black with two red sabers crossing each other," Graelin said.
It was the elite black army, Darrin thought. They were in trouble.
"Commander Phalan please call the commanders for an emergency meeting," Darrin said.
Walking through the city, he turned toward the main headquarters. His commanders were assembled as he arrived in his war room. Darrin knew each of the commanders would die for the revolution.
Darrin said, "We need to construct a backup plan. The infamous black army is outside the gates."
Nobody said anything at first.
Jonathan said, "Sir, we will fight to the death. Our families are safely away."
Darrin said, "I cannot have your deaths on my conscience. In order for the revolution to survive, we need to live."
"Sir," another commander said, "the black army is known to fight like the demon spawn. I am not sure how we can defend against such ruthless fighters."
Darrin said, "Fear is what will make the black army win. They are only men."
"Sir, these men are savages."
"We just have to be more savage than them."
They decided to rest in the city. Cyrus gave Rulf the scroll he found. Nobody wanted to ask him what happened. He didn’t know himself. He was still too stunned about what just transpired. He found the Rathraka lying on the floor. He placed it in a rag and stuffed it inside his pack.
Cyrus and Meza followed Rulf and his group back toward the caves. The sun broke through the top of the crater and showered the old city with light. The plants nestled in the crater were alive with energy. Animals roam around them without being afraid. Birds seem to inhabitant all the foliage. He didn’t have time to soak in this beauty. All he remembered was sleeping the night before and waking to a real-life nightmare. His eyes misted and he turned back to the tunnel’s entrance.
Inside the cave, it was cold and wet. He was blinded for a second until his eyes got use to the dark. Cyrus willed his Familiar and it appeared, lighting their path. He heard sounds of dripping water mixed with the shuffling sounds of the group.
Cyrus said, "Meza, what do we do when we exit the caves?"
"We can find the members of the revolution and stay with them. Cyrus, did Zeelin, the Familiar you found on the building, tell you anything else about the towers?"
"No, I only know it is a Familiar from a mage named Zantos," Cyrus said. He didn’t tell Meza about the prophecy.
Cyrus sensed Meza knew something happened in the cursed city but he didn’t probe him with more questions. Their path started leading downwards. The air was frigid and Cyrus felt water touching his face. Rulf held a fist up. The group stopped.
Cyrus moved closer to Rom and said, "What’s wrong?"
Rom said, "Rulf senses something."
They stood silently for a few minutes. Cyrus could hear himself breathing. He stared into the darkness and wondered what Rulf felt. Rulf nodded and they continued travelling. They entered a large cavern with four adjacent caves. Rulf picked one without hesitation. They arrived at a large circular cave with jewels embedded in the walls. Cyrus’s Familiar did not disappear and remained with them the whole time. The jewel’s glitter in the light.
Rom noticed Cyrus was looking at the gems and said, "These caverns are filled with beauty as well as death."
He pointed to the right of the gems. Cyrus saw a round hole that had something moving inside.
"What is that?" Cyrus said.
"A Margel spider; it would poison you if you would get too close. So be careful," Rom said.
Cyrus shook his head and felt a little foolish. He was not wise in many things. They trudged through the cavern. Cyrus didn’t know if it was nearing dusk or morning. In the capital’s sewers, sunlight filtered through the drains and grates.
He said, "Can we stop and have some food?"
Rulf hesitated and said, "I am sorry. We will stop here."
They sat against the wall looking over another cavern with several caves branching out. Rom gave Cyrus some dried fruit and nuts.
Cyrus said, "Thank you for sharing some of your rations."
Rom said, "We are in your debt, young Drakus Vinnikai."
"Rom, I do not know how to use my powers."
Rom nodded and said, "You will learn in time."
Cyrus relaxed. It was true. He would learn in time. He ate his food. However, he didn’t remember recalling the Rathraka. It just fell off.
Meza said, "How long until we get out of these caves?"
Rulf said, "We should be out in one day’s journey."
They got ready and shuffled along the path. After Cyrus’s Familiar left, they lit their torches and kept moving.
Meza said, "Your Familiar seems to have a mind of its own."
"How does anybody control those things?" Cyrus said.
"I do not know."
Rulf stopped. "Something is close by."
Meza said, "Is it more creatures?"
"No, it is a couple of people. They are moving quietly," Rulf said.
Cyrus said, "I hope it is not the royal soldiers."
Rulf said, "We will protect you. Do not worry."
Cyrus said, "When we make it outside these caves, you can go back to your homeland. You do not have to stay with me."
Meza said, "We can use their help."
Cyrus stared at Meza and had conflicting thoughts. He did want Rulf and his crew to stay with them. However, they needed to go back to his homeland with the tonic.
Rulf said, as if sensing his thoughts, "We will do as you wish. If you change your mind and want us to stay with you outside, you can tell us later."
Meza gave Cyrus a hard stare. He looked away. He was glad Rulf and his companion were still with him. He was thinking about going with Rulf to his homeland instead of staying with Meza’s friends. Nothing was holding him here. The princess was probably married by now. He couldn’t go back to his small village. He couldn’t be a teacher anymore.
Rulf quietly said, "Something’s coming and it’s big."
The walls of the cavern started to shake, and a rumbling hum echoed throughout the cave. Cyrus grabbed his sword. Small beetles appeared before them. The insects passed them. At the edge of his sight, he saw several large creatures. It was cave beetles. His group tried to form into a defensive position but the large bugs slammed into them pushing them aside like dried leaves. Meza surrounded Cyrus in a nimbus shield. The large beetle thumped against the shield and stop moving. Cyrus felt his chest get warm. He was surprised because his Rathraka was not embedded in his chest. A lightning spell flew out of his hands and struck the beetle. It exploded showering the walls in insect entrails. A wave of nausea hit him. He fell to the ground.
Two large beetles thundered toward him. Meza’s force field was weakening. Rom was on his feet. He intoned a spell and the nausea feelings ceased. The others of his group jumped and attacked. Eareth swung his sword cutting deeply into the insect. Grath jumped on top of the other beast and pummeled it with his claws. In the midst of all this chaos, he saw somebody coming toward him. Cyrus quickly moved to his side. He missed a knife strike to his chest. He saw a man dressed in all black leather holding two knives. Death stared at him. Cyrus kicked away. The figure grabbed his shirt and pulled him upwards. Cyrus panicked and sent a fire bolt at the intruder. The figure disappeared. His magic hit the wall and rock shards flew everywhere.
Cyrus summoned his Familiar. All around him was chaos. His group was scattered around the tunnel. Royal soldiers were surrounding them. Meza was too far away from him to help. Something shot out of the darkness. Cyrus jumped away. A dagger hit the cave wall. He relaxed. He remembered what Darrin had told him and not let fear grip him. Darrin said to flow like water. The master assassin jumped toward him. Cyrus turned to the side and pushed the assassin into a large beetle.
The assassin kicked at the beetle and jumped backed toward him. Cyrus sprung away harmlessly and kicked at the assassin’s side. Cyrus’s kick didn’t make contact.
"Nice move," the assassin said, "but you do not have the skills to best me."
A swift kick flung Cyrus backwards. He hit the wall hard. The master assassin grabbed his neck. Cyrus trembled and felt his arms and legs becoming limp. His Familiar came behind the assassin and hit him. The assassin fell away. Cyrus got back to his feet. He frantically looked for his friends for help. He saw Meza standing with Grath while the royal soldiers attacked them. Cyrus tried to yell out but the ground rumbled again. He saw a large beetle looming over him. He shot out of the way but the beetle hit him on his leg.
The walls seem to be shifting. He tried to get over his nausea. His body was like lead. He wanted to sleep. He noticed the stampede of beetles had ceased. Suddenly, he heard something in his head. It was the whispering of magic. Fire globes lit up the whole cavern.
The master assassin stood in front of him blocking any escape. Cyrus held up a hand and the globes stopped rotating. The assassin threw two daggers at him faster than Cyrus could see. The globes detached itself from their orbit and hit the projectiles disintegrating the daggers and themselves. Cyrus’s body was burning up. Something was being drawn out of him. His knees almost buckled. A knife flew toward him. The remaining globes took out most of the weapons. Cyrus ducked and jumped to his left. Pain shot through his shoulder. A knife hit him in the arm. The weapon was embedded in his left shoulder. The assassin kicked him in his face, and he sprawled on the ground.
Cyrus touched the dagger and sharp pain exploded. He summoned his Familiar and it glowed next to him. He tried to concentrate but couldn’t. The cavern was deathly quiet except for the sound of steel against steel. He steadied himself and stood up. He was kicked from behind.
"So, you are the person the emperor was so afraid of. You look harmless. Hah, and the emperor wanted you alive."
Cyrus scrambled away but the pain bit through his shoulder. The assassin took out a long saber and smiled. He crept toward him. Cyrus’s back was against the wall. His Familiar was becoming transparent.
"You gave me a good chase, but you are now going to die!"
The assassin stabbed at him. Cyrus involuntarily shielded his body and closed his eyes. Cyrus didn’t feel the blade. He looked up and saw the assassin’s blade had been stopped in mid-air. The assassin tried to swing the saber again, but it bumped against an unseen force. Blue light ignited the blade while the assassin kept striking toward him.
"Trickery, my blade is magic. It can pierce any magical shield," the assassin said.
Cyrus felt his magic flow through his body. The magic came hot and fast. Cyrus shot his arms out and fire erupted, completely encasing the assassin. He screamed and bent backwards. Cyrus’s magic felt deliriously good. He smiled and stifled a laugh. However, something dark slithered inside of him. The darkness within wrapped him in a deadly embrace. He was enraptured. He didn’t want to stop. His body was not under his control. Flames surrounded him in concentric spirals and shot into the cavern. A loud crash sounded when it hit the cavern ceiling. Dust and debris showered him.
Cyrus tried to quell his power but his magic gained more momentum. His body swayed back and forth. Another crashed rocked the cave. Cyrus yelled. Through the maelstrom, he heard his companions calling his name. He reluctantly stopped his magic. Cyrus looked at the astonished faces of his comrades. Sunlight filtered through several large holes shaped by his magic.
He tried to move, but he stumbled. His legs were rubbery. He was breathing large gulps of air. Meza and Rulf grabbed him. Cyrus waved them away and held on to the cavern walls. Fresh air came from the hole. He breathed in the cool air mixed with the stench of burning bodies.
Rulf said, "Can you walk?"
All their eyes went to Cyrus, and he nodded a yes. Meza helped him move. He was looking for the royal soldiers but all he saw was scorched earth and dust.
"Did I do this?"
Meza said, "Yes, you destroyed everything within a couple feet. The royal soldiers died horribly. Except, your magic didn't touch us."