The Darkness Binds Read online

Page 24

  Charles said, "Darrin, can I speak to you a minute?"


  They left the courtyard and Charles spoke in hush tones about what transpired just a moment ago.

  "You left him alone?" Darrin said.

  "Yes, I wanted to know if you knew about the Grandmaster Warlocks." Charles said.


  Charles said, "I am not sure if these warlocks exist."

  "I think it would be safer if you and Cyrus travelled with us."

  Charles said, "I am not sure if he wants to travel with you."

  Cyrus came walking down a path. He said, "Charles, I found an old map, and it points to where Kravel could be located. It is in the northern point of the Kingdom.

  Charles said, "Darrin wants us to go with him to the capital."

  "Huh," Cyrus said, "I do not believe we are going to have any problems with the Grandmaster Warlocks. I can stop them."

  Darrin said, "Cyrus, you can just travel with us for a bit. We are both heading north."

  "Ok, for just until we reach the capital then we will journey ahead, but I want to leave as soon as possible."

  Darrin shook his head. "You will have to wait. We are just starting to prepare to leave."

  Cyrus looked askance. "All right. I can still do some research in the library."

  Cyrus went back to the building. When he was gone Charles said, "He doesn’t seem happy. However, you managed to have him agree to travel with you."

  Darrin said, "I know. It was a little too easy. So did you read Meza’s letters?"

  "Yes, if the time comes to kill Cyrus, I will do it. Yet, I still believe we can trust him."


  A big crowd gathered in front of Narah. They looked ready to pounce on her. Rachel, Philip and Brutan stood on her right. The angry crowd yelled and hollered. Brutan flexed his muscles and looked a little wary.

  A young woman said, "We need to know about the sick people. Will we become like them?"

  Another man with a crooked nose said, "We need to kill them all and burn their carcasses before this sickness spreads to us."

  "Stop," the Shade said. "I told you can stay here or leave. I will go to the city of Palacitino to get a mage healer. You do not have to go with me."

  They grumbled, swore, and started to disperse. Narah wished the best for these people.

  Rachel said, "Mistress Shade, I will go with you."

  Phil looked confused.

  The Shade said, "Philip stay here and help them. I know where the city of Palacitino is located."

  Narah had no idea where this city was located, but she didn’t want Philip to go with her. He could make his own decision for now.

  Brutan said, "Mistress, I have been to this city before. It is rough. I will stay with you."

  The Shade said, "Then it is settled."

  Phillip nodded and walked away. Narah felt relieved. However, something nagged at her. She wanted to look for Cyrus, but she had other responsibilities.

  The Shade said, "I need to ask Dr. Wright for a little favor before we leave."


  Charles journeyed to the capital with the Freedom Fighters and remembered Cyrus as he killed the demon. He remembered the look on his face. It was pure depravity. Even though Charles vowed he would kill Cyrus if he became evil, he felt he couldn’t do it. He still couldn’t fathom Cyrus transforming into some type of monster. Darrin glanced several times back at them.

  The sounds of the armor and leather creaked and banged during their journey to the capital. The Freedom Fighters had been hiding and plotting for so long, Charles almost forgot the real reason why they were fighting. Charles knew first-hand what the reign of the emperor did. His dad was taken away in the middle of the night never to be seen again. Charles was only eight years old when they took him. He hid inside a closet and heard the sounds of men cursing and laughing. He saw his mom being violated and killed. These were the royal soldiers who were supposed to protect them. He escaped when these soldiers torched his house. He didn’t join the Freedom Fighters for revenge. He joined the Freedom Fighters to seek justice. Under the emperor’s reign, many people disappeared. He didn’t want this travesty to affect any more people. He could have left to the next kingdom but Darrin talked to him about joining his group. He never regretted his decision.

  As the Freedom Fighters crawled along the path, Charles saw Cyrus reading a small book. Charles didn’t see any inscription on the cover but didn’t ask him what he was reading. Charles noticed since Cyrus defeated the demon, he stopped using his magic. He even stopped summoning his Familiar, Reza.


  The last few days Captain Mercer travelled along the river moving steadily north. He saw the dark mage always appear in front of him several feet away. The mage had not spoken to him since he left Druthic. He knew he was being guided someplace safe. For days, he ran. He barely slept or ate. A burning need kept him forging ahead. He saw animals moving away from him in fear. He moved with the speed of the wind. However, the dark mage was still elusive. He felt the hot embers of vengeance burn into his soul. He reached a large mountain. The mage guided him to a cave.

  The black mage stood next to the entrance and said, "You need to go inside."

  Captain Mercer said, "Is the emperor there?"

  The black mage threw a web spell around him. Captain Mercer struggled and everything went dark. When he awoke, he was lying prone, strapped to a large altar. He was bare-chested. It was very dark and it took him several minutes for his eyes to become accustomed to the dimness. Several black cowl figures circled him. They chanted the spidery words of black magic. He was in a large circular room cut from the bowels of the mountain. A cold breeze brushed against his skin. He tried to speak but he couldn’t.

  A mage came toward him with his hood lowered. Captain Mercer saw a face devoid of any emotion. The mage opened a pouch and sprinkled powder on his skin. Hot spikes of fire burned him. He writhed in pain. The mage laid a cold hand on his chest, and he stopped moving. Captain Mercer looked at his chest fearing that his skin was burned away but his chest was intact. The voices of the mages became louder echoing in the chamber.

  The dark mage before him said, "You will be our commander. You shall lead your new army to victory."

  A cruel wind blasted through the cavern.

  "Captain Mercer!" the dark mage said. "Do you know why you are here? Speak!"

  "No," Captain Mercer said.

  "You will rise from the underworld and destroy Cyrus and the army of the rebellion," the dark mage said. "Do you understand?"

  Captain nodded his head.

  "Good now we shall begin," the dark mage said.

  The last thing he remembered was a large knife plunging into his chest.


  Narah and her group reached the city of Palacitino in a few days without incident. Groups of royal soldiers guarded the front gate. It was approaching dusk and the sky was turning a deep purple. She knew she couldn’t fool the soldiers, but she had a plan. She could breach the walls after dark by herself. She wanted Rachel and Brutan to go into town without her. She would find them as soon as she entered the city.

  Rachel and Brutan agreed. They decided to meet at a tavern called the Ale House. Brutan gave her directions to the tavern. He had been here many times. As Narah watched them leave to the city gates, she felt free. She didn’t like the constraints of leadership. She had been taught and drilled into her, since she was a little girl that she was a ruler, a person born above other people. And she was going to marry a prince to solidify their kingdom. She always hated her royal fate. Even her dear dad, King David, told her about her destiny. Her father was betrothed since he was a boy to her mother, a princess. This was how countless generations of her family grew and survived. Royal blood was flowing within her veins. She suspected royal blood didn’t amount to anything.

  Narah waited in the forest watching night moved in. Bright stars winked in the night sky, and th
e double moons waned. She scouted along the city walls from her vantage point counting the many soldiers stationed along each lantern. She noticed there was a scarcity of guards, and she could tell the soldiers looked very young. She ran along the shadows and jumped on top of the wall. Silently, she flitted across toward the city below. She ran toward the next building being careful to stay in the shadows. The people she saw on the street look like regular citizens, but as she watched, she felt a tingling in the back of her head. These people were moving in orderly fashion, as if they were marching. She jumped to an adjacent alleyway. Somebody was moving in the darkness in front of her.

  "Who are you?" a man said.

  Narah said, "Somebody who doesn’t want to be bothered."

  "We like to know who you are?" the man said while a large dagger appeared.

  Without stopping, Narah soared over the man and fled up a wall to the safety of the rooftop. She trekked toward the direction to the tavern. After a few blocks, she jumped on the street and walked inside. She smelled the usual scent of ale, leather and sweat. A roaring fire was on the right. The barmaid was leaning against a long polished bar. The bartender behind the bar was thin with a small face. He looked toward her.

  Narah ordered ale. She didn’t see Rachel or Brutan amid the customers.

  The barkeeper said, "Mistress, your friends are here. They are in the room in the back."

  "Thank you."

  The barkeep said, "The ale is on the house. Mary, please show the mistress were the room is located."

  She said, "Sure."

  Mary took a tray with a cup of ale on it and started toward the corridor. Narah followed her and saw several doors to her right and left. The corridor was long and only a couple of torches lit the area. Mary walked to the end and knocked twice and the door opened. Narah saw Rachel and Brutan sitting at a table. The room was dark except a single candle. Something was odd. A group of royal soldiers blocked the corridor.

  "Don’t move," a voice said from the darkness. A black mage came out of the shadows.

  "Soldiers take her weapons."

  The soldiers were at first hesitant but the glare from the mage startled them into action. The guard roughly took Narah’s sword.

  "Princess, the emperor knew about your little escape. We knew you would come this way," the mage said. "Now you will be imprisoned in the Royal Castle’s gallows."

  Brutan and Rachel stared at Narah. They looked stunned.

  "Take them away commander," the black mage said.

  They were pushed and prodded out of the tavern.

  Rachel whispered, "Princess, if I knew who you are I would have..."

  "I know. I didn’t tell you for your protection."

  "Quiet!" a solder spat.

  Outside in the cold crisp air another troop of soldiers waited for them. Narah didn’t know if she could escape. Even if she took out the nearest guard, Rachel and Brutan would be killed.

  The black mage said, "Bind their hands."

  Narah placed her hands up. She couldn’t do anything. As a nervous soldier approached her, she heard the noise of arrows flying. She ducked and saw the soldier adjacent to her had an arrow shaft protruding from his neck. Blood squirted out of his wound. The projectiles bounced off the black mages magical shield. Narah grabbed Rachel and took her to the shelter of the tavern. The mage threw a fireball at Narah, but before the spell hit, it disappeared. Narah smiled and held up a disarming stone. The black mage roared a fierce scream and called for the guards to stop her. Brutan came out of nowhere and barreled into the nearest enemy.

  Narah protected Rachel and saw several soldiers jump into the tavern. Narah hit the first enemy and took his sword. Outside, Narah could hear the mage throwing fireballs at his attackers.

  "Brutan! Protect Rachel," Narah said.

  Narah jumped into the steady stream of enemy soldiers and killed them. She ran outside. The arrows had stopped raining on them. The mage was standing in the middle of the road shooting spells. The royal soldiers were gaining control. Narah headed toward the black mage. The black mage saw Narah and tried again to shoot a spell at her, but it disappeared as before.

  "Retreat!" the black mage said.

  "Sir," a soldier said, "we have the rebels trapped."

  The black mage said, "The Shade will change our victory to a defeat."

  The mage shimmered and disappeared. The royal soldiers ran out of the street toward the front gate. Narah waited for another challenge. A man came out of the shadows and approached her.

  He said, "Mistress Shade, we are your friends. We have come to join you."

  Narah said, "Get some of your men to help my friends. I will speak to your commander."


  Cyrus was sitting in his tent, when he felt something cold brush past his face. He turned around and nothing was there. He groped for his sword. Cyrus called forth for Reza. Light shone all over the recesses in his tent. He didn’t see anything.

  As he lay back down, he saw himself falling and falling into a dark hole. Several cloaked mages chanted an evil spell around an altar with a man gutted like a fish. Magical dark energies exploded through the dead body. Blood flood freely down the altar. Cyrus blinked his eyes and he was looking at a long lake. The twin moons reflected on the surface. He saw movement underneath the waters. A royal soldier walked out of the lake. This man’s skin was bloated, and he could smell the stench of decay on him. More dead soldiers burst through the underwater grave. The dead were coming toward him. The stench of death was overpowering.

  "Stop," Cyrus shouted but the dead still walked toward him.


  With a start, he found himself back in his tent. Charles was standing over him.

  "What?" Cyrus said groggily.

  "You were screaming."

  Cyrus notice other people were staring at him.

  Charles said, "Ok, everybody, go back to your tent."

  "Cyrus drink some water."

  He handed him a drink. Cyrus gulped the whole cup.

  "Thanks, I feel better," Cyrus said.

  "Do you want to talk about your nightmare?"

  "Charles, all I remember was dead men walking toward me." Cyrus said.

  "Does it mean anything?"

  "No, I do not think so," Cyrus said.

  "You need to get some rest," Charles said. "We will have another long day of walking tomorrow."

  Cyrus said, "Charles, I’m not sure if I can sleep again."

  "Do not worry it was only a dream."


  After the battle, Narah and her companions were led away from the tavern. Next to them were a couple of men dressed in black leather. The man leading them was named Ivan. He was stout but moved like a cat. He had a long bow and a quiver of arrows strapped to his back. He told her that he was part of the resistance. Ivan stopped them at a home. He knocked two times paused, and knock one more time. They were greeted by a large man bigger than Brutan. He pointed toward a group of stairs leading downwards.

  They followed Ivan inside. Narah took note of the dried vegetables and salted meat hanging in the cellar. The air was cool and Ivan lit a lantern. The cellar was lined with sturdy oak walls. He placed his hand on the furthest wall. Ivan searched and swore.

  "Aha," Ivan said.

  The wooden wall slid away. Narah held her amazement as they followed Ivan inside.

  Brutan said, "I cannot squeeze my body in that little hole."

  Ivan retorted. "These tunnels are built to have a full grown ox run through."

  Brutan smirked and followed them. The wooden door shut. A gust of earthy warm air greeted them. She noticed the walls were cut deeply into the earth and rock.

  Narah said, "Where are you taking us?"

  Ivan said, "To a safe place where our commander is waiting. We have heard of your escape."

  The tunnel started to slope downwards. Narah saw another light ahead. They stopped at a large room after a few minutes.

  Ivan said, "Wa
it here."

  The light was bright enough that they didn’t need the lamp. Narah peered inside and saw several men and women talking. The room was actually larger than it seemed. There were chairs, tables and cots placed along the room.

  Ivan came back with a short man with large eyes. He said, "This is commander Zoltronis."

  Zoltronis said, "So you are the reason the royal soldiers and black mage came here."

  Narah nodded her head.

  Zoltronis said, "I have heard of you, Shade. You are welcome here. Any enemy of the emperor is a friend to the resistance."

  "Thank you, these are my companions, Rachel and Brutan."

  Zoltronis said, "Ivan told me you fought extremely well against the black mage. And that you bested all the royal soldiers. Is this true?"

  The Shade said, "Zoltronis, I was taught by the best. However, how did you know of my escape?"

  Zoltronis said, "Simple. These two people next to me."

  Narah didn’t recognize the two people he pointed to.

  "My lady," the man said, "thank you for saving us. We escaped with you. My name is Dagert Oakstel and this is my son Roland. I was seeking passage to Druthic to find my wife, Marion."

  Zoltronis said, "Mistress, the revolution has started there. They overtook the city and defeated the Royal army. We will meet our leader and his group a few days from now."

  The Shade said, "Can you send a wizard doctor to a village south from here?"

  "I will see what I can do."


  Escape was easy. Narah and the rebels left the city of Palacitino under the cover of night a few days later. There were no signs of pursuit. Narah felt a small measure of security. Zoltronis led the group on foot through the dark forest. He told her they followed a small hunters’ trail. The moons where waning and didn’t illuminate their path. Rachel slipped a few times, and Narah helped her. Brutan was dressed in leather armor and was given a large double-edge sword.

  The group journeyed in silence. This group was trained well Narah thought. She was amazed how she was blind to the resistance before. Even her attempts to help her people by becoming the Shade felt feeble at best.