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The Darkness Binds Page 25
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Page 25
Narah wondered if Zoltronis could find out what happened to Cyrus. She didn’t broach the subject with them because she feared she would hear some bad news. As she travelled, Narah thought her life as a princess was now over. Yet, she felt stronger and knew the problems her people faced under the emperor’s rule. She understood why the Freedom Fighters fought. They fought for equality and justice. But she didn’t want Zoltronis to know her true identity. She told Rachel and Brutan to not disclose any information about her to anybody.
They stopped a league away from the city. Zoltronis and his scouts found an abandoned cave to stay for the night. Narah slept, remembering Cyrus’s face.
Cyrus awoke and felt an icy spike in his stomach. Charles was sleeping in a corner. He moved in his tent after his constant nightmares. Cyrus quietly stood up and looked around. The tent was dark and he groped to find the entrance. It was bitter cold outside but he didn’t care. He stared outside through the tent’s flap. The dark, cold feeling was replaced by a flush of magic. He tried to quell his power but the wellspring of his power sliced through his skin.
"Cyrus," Charles said, "is there anybody outside?"
"No, I just want to look at the trees. I’m fine. Go back to bed," Cyrus said.
His magic ceased leaving him tired and worn. People in this camp had been talking about him and his strange behaviors. Cyrus wanted to destroy these people. He wanted to burn their eyes and tongues. A guard was posted outside near his tent, and Cyrus saw him yawn. He could see the guard’s breath in the night’s air. At odd times during the day, Cyrus could feel his magic slipping, trying to conjure power out of him. He didn’t dare tell Charles. He wouldn't understand because he was not a magic user. If Meza was alive, he would understand.
He remembered Meza had told him mages had to meditate to remember spells. Meza explained his magic was different. His power was more elemental deriving from a different source. Meza never explained further on this subject. He missed Meza, not for his knowledge, but for his companionship of magic. He felt Meza understood him.
He almost forgot why he left his village, Plathos, so many months ago. He should have stayed at his teaching post and forget about the unsolved murders. Blasted, he knew he could never stay complacent at his village. He had to do something. Rage infused him. He wanted to strike out at anything. His hands started to glow with ambient light.
Stop, he thought. His magic faded but a small echo still bloomed in his mind. He wanted to call his magic forth again. He looked down at himself. He saw scales on him, and his hands were changing into claws. Cyrus frantically moved into the moonlight. His hands and skin were normal. He was drained and he went back to his cot and fell asleep. He dreamed he was tearing through the wilderness hunting for prey.
The next day Charles shook him conscious. An alarm was sounding in the camp. He got dressed and walked outside. The camped was armed and ready for battle. Tension cut the air.
Cyrus asked, "Charles what happened? Were we attacked?"
"There was some type of wild beast last night and it attacked a guard."
Charles led Cyrus to Darrin, who was questioning some soldiers. A large group surrounded them.
Darrin said, "Griphon, what happened last night?"
"A large monster attacked us. We couldn’t see it at night."
The other soldier said, "Aye, this monster slashed my arms and ribs with its claws and fled into the night."
Darrin asked, "Didn’t you protect yourselves?"
"We tried." Griphon said. "But it was too fast."
"Was it a wolf?"
Griphon suddenly said, "It was a dragon."
The crowd of onlookers laughed.
Darrin said, "Please everybody give us some room."
Charles shook his head and said, "A dragon?"
Darrin continued. "Griphon, it was probably a wolf. Dragons are only legends."
Griphon said, "I know what I saw. It was huge with scales."
Darrin place his hand on his shoulder and said, "Men, get some breakfast and see the doctor."
"Yes sir."
When they left, Darrin said, "Cyrus do you know any creatures around these parts?"
Charles said, "Darrin, as a scout, I have travelled through this land. Some wolves can grow as large as bears."
Darrin said, "We need to post extra guards at night."
From a distance, a man on horseback trotted to them. Darrin went up to the messenger, who handed him a note, and rode off.
He said, "Good. We have a new guest who will meet us at the meeting area."
The next week they rode through the countryside. Cyrus didn’t have any more nightmares. It seemed his mind gave him a respite in his dreams. And he didn’t feel any vestiges of power. The creature that attacked the guards didn’t show itself and Charles believed it was a rare occurrence and would not happen again. Darrin agreed but Cyrus knew better. The dream he had last week was just too real to be a delusion. He tried to make sense of everything. He wished he had Meza to confide in.
"Just leave," a voice said.
Cyrus was startled and turned behind him. Charles stared back.
"You can leave anytime," a voice said. "You are powerful."
Charles said, "Cyrus, do you need something?"
"No. Never mind."
He heard this disembodied voice before. Cyrus didn’t want to talk aloud. He thought, "Who are you?"
"No, this cannot be," Cyrus thought.
"Part of you wants to kill and destroy. Part of you wants chaos and destruction."
People around Cyrus looked his way. His body felt warm and feverish.
Charles said, "Is there something bothering you?"
"I’m fine."
The soldiers started to look at him oddly. They gave him a wide berth. Cyrus could almost hear the other soldier’s thoughts. He could tell from their faces that they wanted to kill him. His arcane powers rose from his mind. A flash of red heat exploded.
Cyrus said, "Charles, I need to be alone. I need some rest."
His power flowed through him. He felt swatches of energy crack within him. Nobody around him could see his powers coalescing. They were not magi like him.
Charles stopped and said, "I will send a messenger to Darrin. We will stay here for the night. We will catch up to the main army tomorrow."
Cyrus saw something in Charles’s mind. He saw betrayal.
At a base of a large meadow, Charles set up their camp. He felt uneasy about Cyrus, since they started on this march. He changed. Charles suspected he might know about the creature that attacked the soldiers a few days ago. However, he only had suspicions and no proof. Charles finish setting up their tent and looked for Cyrus. He saw him a few yards away. He seemed to be lost in thought.
Charles left him alone. Maybe there was something ailing him. It was only mid-afternoon. The sun was high in the sky and a soft breeze flew around the trees. Today would have been a nice day to fish or lounge around the forest.
Charles said, "Cyrus do you want something to eat? We have some extra rations."
Cyrus didn’t answer. Charles felt something was not right. He was about to repeat his question.
Cyrus said, "No, I am fine."
There was an odd note when Cyrus spoke. He sounded like something alien was speaking. It made Charles feel small. Cyrus back was facing him.
"Charles, I need some time alone. I will be back," Cyrus said.
"Are you sure?" Charles said.
Cyrus didn't say anything, but merely walked into a group of trees. Before Cyrus left Charles’s sight, he saw Cyrus’s Familiar appear. Reza glowed a red scarlet color. Charles had second thoughts about staying behind the main army but there was something wrong with Cyrus. If he had to kill him, he’d rather do it when nobody was around.
Cyrus walked until his ma
gic ceased to overpower him. His Familiar, Reza, appeared. Cyrus didn’t pay attention to his Familiar. He trembled. He didn’t know what was happening. His magic was trying to tell him something.
"You can leave," a voice said. "Why do you persist in staying with these humans?"
"Because I choose to stay."
"Hah, these humans are our servants. They are made to serve us."
"I am human."
"You are Drakus Vinnikai," the voice said. "Find the towers and you shall know true power."
"Where are the towers?"
The voice was silent. Anger grew inside of him. His Familiar also swelled and grew. Red lightning flared around its surface. Cyrus suddenly noticed a scene on the Familiar's surface. Flying creatures flew in the clouds. These beasts had long leathery necks and sharp talons. He heard music, sweet music. Cyrus wanted to fly with the creatures. He almost answered but didn’t know how. He lifted his arm to Reza’s surface and wanted to touch the creatures.
To his horror, Cyrus notice his hands had transformed. His fingers were large claws, and his skin was scaled. Cyrus screamed a high pitched sound. His voice sounded alien and musical. But something told him to wait. He was not ready for this. Cyrus fell to the ground. He turned to his side in a fetal position. Intense pain struck his whole body. He heard Charles running toward him. Cyrus couldn’t talk.
The screams were loud and terrible. He heard the sound again. Charles grabbed his sword and ran toward the noise. He thought some beast was attacking Cyrus. He moved as fast as he could. Running, Charles didn’t see any creature attacking Cyrus. He was lying on the grass. His Familiar hovered next to Cyrus glowing in intense blue.
"Cyrus!" Charles said.
Cyrus didn’t say anything. His body was convulsing in pain. Charles didn’t know what to do. He thought he heard some type of music playing, but it stopped as he got closer. Reza became translucent. Charles crouched next to Cyrus.
"Cyrus, what is happening to you?" Charles said.
Cyrus writhed in pain. Charles grabbed him. Cyrus stopped moving. Charles ran toward the campsite. Cyrus was very heavy. He weighed more than he looked. He gently placed him on the ground next to the fire pit. He inspected him for any injuries. He didn’t find anything except a slight discoloration on his hands. The discoloration didn’t look like a wound. It was iridescence and had grooves like a scale. He didn’t know what to make of it.
Charles stood up. He felt for his hunting knife. It would be so easy to end Cyrus’s life right now while he was unconscious. It would be painless. All he had to do was pierce his heart at the right spot. Charles detected something behind him. He turned and saw Reza floating closer to him. Cyrus moaned.
"Cyrus, I brought you back to the campsite," Charles said.
"Where did the music go?"
"What music?" Charles said.
"The music, the music," Cyrus murmured.
The night had set. He moved Cyrus into the tent he erected. Charles wanted to get a message to Darrin, but he didn’t dare leave him. He kept muttering odd things about flying creatures and the music. Reza hovered next to Cyrus.
They slept through the night. Charles awoke several times hearing Cyrus muttering phrases in a different language. The next day, Cyrus was in no shape to move. Cyrus was still asleep. He waited around midday and two of Darrin’s scouts came to their camp. Charles explained to them what transpired. The scouts also told him that their army met with another large group of Freedom Fighters. And the Shade was with them. He asked the scouts to bring a horse-drawn cart to transport Cyrus back.
As the scouts left, Charles heard Cyrus gasp from where he was sleeping in the tent. Charles ran up to him and shook him. Cyrus’s eyes opened.
"What happened?"
Charles said, "You were unconscious since last night. Do you remember anything?"
Charles gave Cyrus some of his salty beef.
He said, "Can you stand?"
Cyrus stood up. He swayed a little. He wobbled and grabbed him for support.
"I don’t feel right," Cyrus said.
"You kept on muttering about the music. Do you know what you were talking about?"
Cyrus look puzzled and then his face became serious. He said, "No."
Charles knew he was lying. He let the matter drop. Cyrus’s Familiar hovered right by his shoulder. Charles felt a little guilty about how close he had been to killing him and turned away.
Charles said, "Darrin sent some scouts. I ask them to bring a wagon to carry you back."
Cyrus said, "Yes."
Charles thought Cyrus talked to him in distaste. Cyrus slumped back to the ground.
"I have some water. It is with my gear," Charles said while looking around.
Charles hid his face from Cyrus. He hoped Cyrus could not read his fear. Charles was thinking as soon as he got back to camp he would talk to Darrin about all this. Charles absently fingered his knife.
Narah and her companions were invited by the leader of the Freedom Fighters to have lunch and to meet the other commanders. They sat in a large tent. There were no seats so they sat on the floor. A commander name Taylor stood next to the entrance.
Darrin came in dressed in a dark blue and green leather armor. Behind him came several men who looked at her curiously. Even though she heard countless times from her uncle, the emperor, about how Darrin Masters betrayed him and was now the leader of the rebellion, it was still a shock to see him here.
He sat next to them and said, "I’m Darrin, the leader of the Freedom Fighters. You must be the Shade. Who are your companions?"
Narah said, "This lady’s name is Rachel, and Brutan is my bodyguard."
Darrin said, "I doubt the infamous Shade needs a bodyguard. I am offering for you if you wish to join us. I heard from my people the emperor placed a high reward for your capture."
The Shade said, "I hope nobody would want to tell the emperor I am here."
Darrin said, "No, we all have prices on our heads. Commanders, I want everybody to leave except the Shade and her guests."
Some of his men hesitated but moved out of the tent. When everybody was out, Darrin turned toward Narah and said, "Princess, I am glad you're okay."
"How did you know?"
"I’ve suspected you where the Shade for several years. But I was not in the position to ask you," Darrin said. "I heard you can fight like the wind. I have taught you well." Darrin stopped and hugged her.
He continued, "Narah, we all have missed your parents. I wished to have died protecting them. Nevertheless, I saved you and that is consolation enough."
Narah nodded and stopped herself from crying.
She said, "I have been looking for their killers for a long time."
"I have also been searching and I suspect your uncle has something to do with your parents’ deaths."
Narah said, "I do not know what to believe anymore. You are branded a traitor and an enemy of the empire."
"My only enemy is the emperor. He has brought this once great kingdom to a cesspool of unlawfulness. Nobody upholds the law of justice. Corruption is widespread."
Narah asked, "So what will happen if you replace the emperor. Would you be King?"
"No, I think you should rule and reinstate the Great Council."
Narah almost laughed at the suggestion.
She said, "You cannot be serious."
"You are ready to rule," Darrin said.
Narah didn’t know what to say.
"Princess, I think you should know we have found Cyrus. He is fine but he has changed."
"Where is he?" Narah said.
"He is a league from here," Darrin said. "He should be with us shortly."
"He doesn’t know I am the Shade."
"I think you should tell him but a word of caution. He is a Drakus Vinnikai."
Narah gasped and said, "Is this true?"
"I am not sure. Have you heard of the Grand Maste
r Warlocks?"
Narah said, "No."
"Do not worry. It is a small matter."
Cyrus hadn’t gotten up since he went back into their tent. Charles checked on him several times, and Cyrus was still asleep. He seemed to be at peace. Charles’s mind was in torment. He was at a crossroad. He thought if Cyrus was a Drakus Mage, he could save millions of lives if he plunged his knife into Cyrus chest. However, Charles could not. Cyrus went to the capital to seek justice to the murders of the innocent children. He could not believe Cyrus would change so much.
Charles sat pondering what he should do. It was midday and the sun’s warmth filtered over him. His eyes started to feel heavy. The scouts would not be back until tonight. The grass looked so inviting. He could just close his eyes for just a few minutes and lay down. He slumped and fell down.
"Charles, Charles!" a voice said.
Charles opened his eyes. One of the scouts was kneeling next to him. It was dark. They were carrying torches.
"What?" Charles murmured.
"You must have dozed off," the scout said.
"Where’s Cyrus?"
"He’s gone," the scout said.
"Did he leave any tracks?" Charles said while becoming more awake.
"We tried," the scout said.
"Show me," Charles said.
The scouts showed him Cyrus tracks and they seem to disappear after a few feet.
Charles said, "He must have magically erased his tracks."
"Is he in danger?" the scout said.
"No, I think not."
"Should we try to find him?" the scout said.
Charles said, "No, we should get back to Darrin. I will find Cyrus when I come back. I have some important matters to discuss with him."
Charles and the scouts made it to the Freedom Fighters’ camp in half the time than the scouts got there. Charles headed toward Darrin’s tent. He jumped off the cart and was ready to go inside when the guard stopped him.
The guard said, "Darrin has guests."
"I need to see him. It’s an emergency," Charles said while pushing the guard away.
Going inside the tent, he saw three people talking to him. One was wearing a mask. Darrin saw him and excused himself.